
1 Our teachers are very strict ____ us

A with B to C on D for
2 Do you want to ____ the chess club
A join in B join C join to D join for
3 The kid ,with his mother ,____ at home
A am B is C are D be
4 Tom can ____ very well.so he wants to join the ____ club
A swim swimming B swimming swim C swim swim D swimming swimming
5 Another way of saying eleven forty is____ (重点)
A twenty to eleven B twenty to twelve C twelve to twenty D eleven past forty

1、A be strict with sb.对人严厉 be strict in sth.事情严肃
2、B join 参加了某一种团体,后常接“某组织、团体、俱乐部等”

而"join in"是"参加"的意思,常用于:join sb in +活动名称

3、B 这是关于主谓一致的题目
(1)当主语后面跟有with, together with, along with; like, except, but, no less than, as well as 等 词引起的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。
(2)当there be 句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致。
There are twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class.
(3)当either… or… ;neither… nor;not only...but also...; 连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最邻近的主语保持一致。 e.g. Either you or she is to go.
(4)如果句子是由here, there引导,而主语又不止一个时,谓语通常也和最邻近的主语一致。
Here is a pen, a few envelops and some paper for you.
4、A 第一空:can是情态动词,情态动词之后必定是跟上动词原形的
5、B 题目中的eleven forty是直接表达时间的方法,除此之外,还可以用下面的方式表达:

(1)如果分钟数少于30分钟,可用分钟 + past + 钟点表示,其中past是介词,意思是“过”。
如:twenty past five表示5:20
(2)如果分钟数多于30分钟,可用(60分钟-原分钟数)+ to +(原钟点数+ 1)表示,其 中to是介词,意思是“差”。
第1个回答  2013-08-12
1、A 固定短语 be strict with sb
2、B join the club 习惯用语
3、B 谓语动词的时态看主语
4、A 按意思来
5、B 按意思来:另一种说11点40的说法是,本回答被提问者和网友采纳




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