

不定式是英语动词的非限定形式之一,是英语中一种非常活跃的语言现象,不带to的不定式(bare infinitive)是我们学习、掌握和运用这一语法现象的难点。本文的目的就是要对不带to的不定式作一粗浅的探讨。首先要指出的是,不带to的不定式的使用实际上非常普遍,主要用在情态动词和助动词will,shall,would,should,can,could,may,might,must…以及在作为情态动词的need和dare之后。但因为这一点在学习英语的过程中极易掌握,故不在此赘述。除此以外,在下列情况下也要使用不带to的动词不定式。1.在see,feel,hear,watch,observe,listen to,look at等表示感觉的动词或短语以及let,have,make等表示祈使意义的动词后面;不定式作宾语补足语不能带to;help后面的不定式可以不带to,也可以保留to;know在一定的条件下,后面的不定式作宾语补足语时可以不带to。例如:I saw the man come ont of the house.I heard her say that she was fed up.We felt the house shake.They watched the sun sink into the sea.Did you notice him pause?They did not observe Christine come in and go upstairs.She sat listening to him climb the stairs.Look at the boy run!I'll let you know as soon as I hear from her.I had him mend my watch.Electricity makes motors run.He helped me(to) plant trees.I have never known him sing so beautifully.不带to的动词不定式跟在上述动词后面时,情况比较复杂,有以下几个问题须特别注意:(1)当上述句子变成被动语态时,原来作宾语补足语的不定式则相应地成为主语补足语。这时,不定式就一定要带to,以上述句子为例:The man was seen to come out of the house.She was heard to say that she was fed up.(后面的句子以此类推)其原因是“英语中还有一条规律:凡是被动的动词都不能和不带to的不定式连用。其中只有let除外,原因是作主语补足语的不定式是单音节词。例如:The students were let go after class.The grass was let grow.(2)不定式在help之后,既可以用作宾语补足语,也可直接作宾语,例如:This book will help(to)improve your English.help之后不定式带to还是不带to可能有以下几种区别:①不带to结构在非正式文体中更为常见。②用不带to的不定式在美国英语中似乎比在英国英语中更常见。③决定不定式带不带to主要牵涉到主语,如果主语不能参与到不定式的动作中去,则不定式通常都要带to。例如:This book helps to see the truth.This book will help you to use English.(3)have known后面跟的不定式可以不带to,也可以保留to。例如:I have known her(to)lie.never knew和have never known的后面通常跟不带to的不定式,但偶尔也可以见到带to的不定式。例如:I never knew him do anything without a good reason.I have never known him say this before.I have never known her to tell lies.(张道真,1984)(4)如果在feel,know,observe,see后面跟的不定式是be,则to不可省略。例如:We all felt that to be the highest praise.We know him to be brave.The only thing that I have observed to be without limit is the businessman's de-sire for profits.Now I saw him to be the man who walked up the hill every morning.应该注意到的是feel和see这两个动词在上述例句中已不是感觉动词,它们的意思分别是“认为”、“以为”和“知悉”、“了解”。2.当句子的主语部分是实意动词do时,作主语补足语(表语)的不定式可以省略to,也可以保留to。具体可以分为以下几种情况:(1)主语由一个以do为谓语动词的定语从句修饰。例如:All he could do was(to)rush into the room.The only thing he did was(to)boss us around.I felt the kindest thing I could do would be walk away.Another thing the bonsai-grower must do is trim the roots and branches of thetree periodically.(2)主语是从句,其中有do。例如:What we all do is(to)talk Class Two into a football match.Everybody says I'd make a great engineer but what I really want to do is write.(3)主语是to do作定语修饰的thing。例如:The thing to do is(to) clear the road.(4)当主语是不定式而主语补足语(表语)中有do时,必须省略to。例如:Turn off the gas was all I did.3.在口语里,用在祈使句中或者不定式go或come后面的不定式有时可以省略to。例如:Go ask her.I'll go see the doctor.Miss Wood's going to marry a missionary and go live in China.She'd bettet come get you,anyway.Why not call John and ask him to come have dinner with us?4.介词but和except后面可以跟不定式。如果这两个介词前面是donothing,do anything,do everything,there is nothing to do等,其后的不定式不带to。例如:I could do nothing but wait.I have seen no one and done nothing except read newspapers and watch televi-sion.He will do anything except lend you money.She can do everything except cook.So there was nothing to do but follow.Now there was nothing he could do except admit defeat.有时在besides的后面也可以跟不带to的不定式。例如:That afternoon I had nothing to do besides answer letters.5.Why在疑问词中是唯一能不用助动词便可引导疑问句的。其结构为why+不带to的不定式或why not+不带to的不定式。两种结构虽然都是疑问句的形式,但却分别表示不同的意思。前者通常用来表明做某事是愚蠢的或无意义的,意为“干嘛要……”。后者实际是用来提出建议或劝告,意为“何不……”或“干嘛不……”。例如:Why get so disappointed?That will do you barm.Why stand up if you can sit down?Why not apologize and ask his pardon?Why not go there with them?6.rather than位于句首时后接不带to的不定式,而位于句末时,其后的不定式可以不带to,也可以保留to。例如:Rather than cause trouble,he left.He walks to his office every day rather than(to)go by bus.7.had better,had best,would rather,would sooner,would as soon后面跟不带to的不定式。例如:You'd better get some sleep.You had best get home before midnight.I would rather not go out tonight,if you don't mind.I'd sooner stay at home.I would as soon do it by myself.8.在let,make,leave,hear等动词和其他动词构成的固定词组中用不带to的不定式。例如:He let go the boy.他放开了那个男孩。We mustn't let slip such an opportunity.我们一定不能错过这样一个机会。I can make do on my salary.我能靠工资维持生活。The children are making believe that they are princes and princesses.孩子们假装他们是王子和公主。Don't leave go until I tell you.我不说你不要放手。I have heard say he is a miser. 我听说他是一个守财奴。不带to的不定式是一种比较复杂的语言现象,在这样一篇小文中不可能详尽论述。以上所谈只是这一语法现象的主要用法,要想较好地掌握它,还须在平时学习和运用英语的过程中随时注意总结。
第1个回答  2013-10-14
一、动词不定式在句子中不能充当谓语,没有人称和数的变化。  二、动词不定式是由“to+动词原形”构成(有时可以不带to)。动词不定式的否定形式是“not+动词不定式”(not不与助动词连用)。  三、动词不定式短语具有名词、形容词和副词等的功能,可在句中用做多种句子成分。  1、主语:常置于句末,而用it代替其做形式主语。  例:To go in for sports helpsyou stay fit.(book4,L28)Ithelpsyoustayfittogoinforsports.Itisdangeroustoswiminthedeepseaonyourown.  注:此句式中不定式逻辑上的主语可由for或of引出,逻辑主语由of引出时,表语的形容词为kind,nice,good,polite,clever,foolish,right,wrong等表示  评价的形容词。例:It’srightofhimtorefusethe  invitation.(him为逻辑主语)  2、表语:Ourdutyistoprotecttheenviroment.  3、动词宾语:此种情况可按固定搭配或句式去记。  例:wouldyouliketoseemyphotos?Kevinplannedtovisithisuncle.(book4,L11)  和plan用法一样的词还有:start,want,agree,hope,begin,decide等。  Ifounditverydifficulttogeta  job.(it为形式宾语)4、宾语补足语:(1)在多数复合宾语及物动词后要带to:例:Iaskedafriendtoreadittome.(book4,L2)(2)在表示感觉、致使等意义的动词  (see,watch,hear,feel,notice,observe,  make,let,have,help等)后不带to。例:Theyheardhimsingapopsonginthemeetingroom.  5、定语:动词不定式做定语放在所修饰的名词的后面。  例:Vinnyisthefirstdisabledper鄄sontosailaroundtheworld.(book4,  L1)6、形容词补足语:在表示心理、感情、评价等的形容词后,对其进行补充说明。  例:Weareverygladtomeetyouagain.  7、状语:表示目的、原因、程度等。  例:Theybroughtinphotosoftheir  familiesformetolookat.(book4,L2)  8、“疑问词+不定式”用法:不定式前可带what,who,which,where,when,how等疑问词,这种不定式短语在句中多用做宾语。  例:Hedidn’ttellmewheretogo.9、在初中阶段还涉及到“不定式被动语态一般式(tobe+过去分词)”  例:Therearetwentymoretreestobeplanted.本回答被网友采纳



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