

as fat as a pig [蔑]肥得象猪 bleed like a pig 血流如注 blind pig [美俚]非法卖酒的商店 bring one's pigs to a fine market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 bring one's pigs to a pretty market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 bring one's pigs to a the wrong market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 drive one's pigs to a fine market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 drive one's pigs to a pretty market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 drive one's pigs to a the wrong market 卖得吃亏; 失败, 失算 buy a pig in a poke 没有仔细看货就买下来 盲目答应 buy a pig in a bag 没有仔细看货就买下来 盲目答应 carry one's pigs to market [罕]企图出售某物; 力求获得某种结果 cold pig [俚]用冷水把睡着的人泼醒的办法 drive one's pigs to market [废]打鼾 follow sb. like Anthony 追随某人 follow sb. like a Tantony 追随某人 get the wrong pig by the tail [美]捉错了人; 怪错了人; 搞错了对象 give sb. a pig of his own sow 以其人之道还治其人之身 give sb.a pig of oneself 大吃大喝, 吃得太多, 成了贪吃贪喝的人 go to pig's and whistle [俚]完蛋, 毁灭 grease the fat pig [罕]对有钱人行贿 guinea pig

[美俚]豚鼠, 天竺鼠; 供试验用的人[物]; [古]因微劳而受重酬的人 in pig 怀小猪的(指母猪) long pig 人肉(食人部落用语) make a pig of oneself 狼吞虎咽, 大吃大喝 please the pigs [谑]如果情况许可, 要是一切顺利 sell a pig in a poke 用欺骗手段出售货品; 挂羊头卖狗肉 sell a pig in a bag 用欺骗手段出售货品; 挂羊头卖狗肉 stick pigs (骑在马上)以梭镖猎野猪 sweat like a pig [口](因出力或恐惧而)全身冒汗 teach a pig to play on a flute [口]教猪吹笛, 做荒唐[不可能]的事 The pigs ran through it. [方]事情因有人干预而不能进行。 We don't kill a pig every day. [口]我们不是天天设宴行乐。 What can you expect from a pig but a grunt. [口]狗嘴里吐不出象牙来(用来讲粗野无礼的话的人)。 What can you expect from a hog but a grunt. [口]狗嘴里吐不出象牙来(用来讲粗野无礼的话的人)。 when pigs fly 除非猪会飞; 决不; 决不可能 pig between two sheets [美俚]火腿三明治 pig in a poke 未经过目[仔细看]而购进的货 pig in a bag 未经过目[仔细看]而购进的货 pig in the middle [口](在争论的双方之间)处在中间的人 piggy in the middle [口](在争论的双方之间)处在中间的人 pig it (=pig together)[口]象猪样地挤在一起, 在肮脏拥挤的地方居住 [美俚](因吃力或喘不过气来而)停止奔跑, 放慢速度; (因怯懦而)退却 pigs in clover 行为粗鲁的有钱人 心满意足 一种滚弹子入盘穴的游戏 暴发户 pigs might fly (if they had wings) [讽]那猪也会飞了; 除非出现奇迹; 除非公鸡下蛋
pig hog swine 都含“猪”的意思。
pig 是常用词, 指“猪”、“小猪”、“猪肉”, 如:
roast pig
hog 指“阉过供食用的公猪”, 尤指“重量超过一百二十磅的阉过的供食用的公猪”, 如:
raise hogs
swine 是文学用语, 指“猪”, 有时借喻“讨厌的人”, 如:
You swine!
第1个回答  2008-06-30
sell a pig in a poke 挂羊头卖狗肉
buy a pig in a bag 没有仔细看货就买下来,盲目答应
when pigs fly 决不,决不可能
pigs might fly 除非出现奇迹
what can you expect from a pig but a grunt. 狗嘴里吐不出象牙来
第2个回答  2008-06-30
Pig Quotes
"A cat will look down to a man. A dog will look up to a man. But a pig will look you straight in the eye and see his equal."
Winston Churchill

The pig is "an encyclopedic animal, a meal on legs."
Grimod de La Reynière

"But I will place this carefully fed pig
Within the crackling oven; and, I pray,
What nicer dish can e'er be given to man."
Aeschylus, ancient Greek poet

“Everything in a pig is good. What ingratitude has permitted his name to become a term of opprobrium?”
Grimod de la Reynière (1758-1838)

“'When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,' said Piglet at last, 'what's the first thing you say to yourself?' 'What's for breakfast?' said Pooh. 'What do you say, Piglet?' 'I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?' said Piglet. Pooh nodded thoughtfully. 'It's the same thing,' he said.”
A. A. Milne, The House at Pooh Corner

“(The pig) hath a fair sepulchre in the grateful stomach of the judicious epicure - and for such a tomb might be content to die.”
Charles Lamb (1775-1834)



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