

Busy with work, how efficient use of time你经常说,“我想这样做,但我没有时间?” Learning to manage time is a problem for many people.学会管理时间,是很多人的问题。 Employers, employees, students, and home managers alike complain that there are never enough hours in the day to get things done.雇主,雇员,学生,家庭管理人员都抱怨说,有一天没有足够的时间来把事情做好。 The essence of time management is to put some things first, others second, and still others third.时间管理的实质就是把一些东西第一,他人第二,还有人的三分之一。 Set goals and order them from most to least important.设定目标和最责令其最不重要的。 Then develop a time plan for meeting them.然后制定一个满足他们时间的计划。 Control your actions in order to make the most of your time.控制你的行动,以使你的大部分时间。 Learning to manage time means learning to manage yourself.学习管理时间就是管理自己的学习。 Time management is not a device to make you work harder and longer.时间管理不是一个装置,使您的工作强度和时间。 Rather, it is a means to help you "work smarter" to accomplish your work more easily and rapidly.相反,它是一种手段来帮助你“更聪明地工作”来完成您的工作更加容易和迅速。 Management of your time can allow for work, rest, leisure, and social activities.你的时间管理可以让工作,休息,休闲和社交活动。 It isn't necessary to become a "workaholic" just because you manage all of your time.它不是要成为一个“工作狂”,因为你管理你的所有时间。 Availablity Time有效性的时间 During some periods of the day and week, you have to be available to be with others.在每周的一天,某些时期,你必须提供能与他人。 For example, busy executives must schedule time to meet with office personnel, managers, production workers, and others under their supervision.例如,忙碌的行政人员必须安排时间来会见办公室人员,管理人员,生产工人,和其他人在其监督下。 Think of yourself as a management executive!想象自己是一个管理执行! Set aside some of your available time for other members of your family or people with whom you work.撇开你对你的家庭成员或者其他人可以用一些时间与您的工作。 Also try to reduce interruptions during your best working hours.同时尽量减少工作时间在你最好的中断。 You can accomplish twice as much in one quiet hour as in two regular hours of frequent interruptions.您可以实现两倍频繁中断两小时,经常在一小时安静许多。 Analyze Your Time Problems分析你的时间问题 Do you need to learn to balance the use of your time? Time is usually divided among work, rest, and leisure activities. 你需要学习如何平衡你的使用时间?时间通常是休息之间划分工作,和休闲活动。 Balance means there must be time for work outside the home, for developing and maintaining happy family relationships, for rest and sleep, and for individual activities, such as playing tennis.平衡意味着必须为家庭以外的工作时间,休息和睡眠,并为个别活动的开发和维护幸福的家庭关系,如打网球。 Is your primary need to accept the limitation of time? During some periods in our lives, there is clearly not enough time to do everything we would like to do. 是您的第一需要接受时间的限制呢?在我们生活中的某些时期,但显然没有足够的时间做一切我们想做的事。 This is particularly important for parents of small children and for individuals trying to combine home management with holding an outside job, volunteer activities, or going to school.这是特别重要的小型儿童的家长和个人的努力结合起来,举行一个外部工作,义工活动,放学回家或去管理。 In this case, we must recognize limited time and learn to omit less important activities in order to free up time for those which are essential.在这种情况下,我们必须认识到,学习时间有限,省略次要的活动,以免费为那些有必要的时间。 Is minimizing work time your basic objective? It may be necessary to simplify your jobs. 减少工作时间是你的基本目标是什么?可能需要简化你的工作。 The family may plan simpler meals, modify standards, or use easier maintenance materials.家庭可能计划简单饭菜,修改标准,或使用更容易保养的材料。 It may be necessary to hire help, or use commercial services.可能有必要聘请的帮助,或使用商业服务。 Is your primary need to find some time for yourself? A high priority sometimes must be assigned to spending some time on yourself, to clarify your own values and feelings, to start or develop a hobby or work interest, even to preserve your sanity! 是您的第一需要找一些自己的时间吗?一个高度优先有时必须分配给自己花一些时间,以澄清自己的价值观和感受,以启动或发展业余爱好或工作的兴趣,甚至保持自己的清醒! Improving your ability to say "No" and developing clear communication with others may be a crucial part of time management.提高你的能力说“不”,发展与他人的沟通可能是一个明确的时间管理的关键组成部分。 Saying "No" takes practice.说“不”需要练习。 Remember that saying "No" to one activity means saying "Yes" to another, more important one.请记住,说“不”的一项活动就是讲“是”另一个更重要的一个。 Set Your Goals设定您的目标 In order to manage your time efficiently, you must first decide on your goals.为了有效地管理你的时间,你必须先决定你的目标。 Personal, professional, social, family, and financial goals are all important and all require time in which to achieve them.个人,职业,社会,家庭和财务目标都重要,都需要时间来实现这些目标。 Most of us want to work toward more than one goal.我们大多数人想向一个以上的工作目标。 The essential requirement is that you think it through and decide what you want to accomplish.其基本要求是,你认为它通过和决定你想要完成的任务。 Decide which people, organizations, and causes are more important to you than others.决定哪些人,组织,更重要的原因是比别人给你。 After deciding what your goals are, write them down.在决定你的目标是什么,写下来。 Otherwise your goals may remain unclear and you'll never know whether you've achieved them.否则你的目标可能仍不清楚,你永远不知道你是否已经取得了他们。 Select activities that will help you accomplish your goals.选择活动,将帮助你实现你的目标。 Realizing that you can't do everything all at one time, you may want to divide large, long-term projects into a series of short-term projects that can be completed one by one in more manageable periods of time.认识到你不能在同一时间做所有的东西,你可能要划分成一个短期可以完成的时间更易于管理的时期之一一系列大型项目,长期项目。 Many smaller steps, or short-term objectives, must be accomplished in order to reach the long-range, final goal.许多较小的步骤,或短期目标,必须完成,以达到远程的最终目标。 Give high priority to meeting deadlines for this series of short-run tasks.高度重视这次会议的最后期限为短期的一系列任务。 Otherwise, time is frittered away and no progress is made.否则,时间浪费了,没有取得进展。 Where Does Your Time Go Now?那么你的时间去吗? Typical Time Wasters典型的浪费时间 Some common time wasters will also show up in your time log.一些常见的浪费时间也将显示在你的时间记录。 In both home and the business world, common time wasters are the telephone, unexpected visitors, meetings, junk mail, putting things off, not knowing what to do next, and clutter.在家庭和商业世界,共同的时间浪费是电话,意外的访客,会议,垃圾邮件,拖,不知道下一步该怎么做,和杂波。 Other reasons that time goes by with nothing to show for it are personal disorganization, lack of priorities, procrastination, excessive television watching, and over-involvement in routine details.当时,与任何东西来证明它去其他原因是个人的解体,优先事项,拖延,没有过多的看电视,和过度的日常细节的参与。 Design Your Own Time Plan设计您自己的时间计划 A time plan can be a general outline of things you want to do in the near future or it can be a highly detailed schedule.一时间计划可以是一个事物的一般概述你想在不久的将来,也可以是一个非常详细的时间表。 Few people can keep complete track of all goals, all plans, and all activities, so get some paper and make some lists.很少有人能够保存所有的目标,所有的计划完全跟踪,而所有活动,以便获得一些文件,并提出一些名单。 The easiest time plan is simply a "List of Projects," large and small, to be done as time is available and as the spirit moves you to accomplish them.最简单的时间计划是一个简单的项目清单“,”大和小,需要做的时间可以和你的精神来完成这些动作。 When you have a lot of time, this list of reminders may be enough.当你有很多时间,这提醒列表可能就足够了。 Another time plan is a list of "Series of Projects," which includes time sequences.还有一次计划是“一系列项目清单”,其中包括时间序列。 You have to decide which activities must be done first, which second, and so forth.你必须决定哪些活动必须首先进行,其中第二,等等。 A third plan, a "Time Schedule," is detailed.第三个计划,一个“时间表”,是详细。 It includes both a sequence of projects and estimates of time necessary for doing them.它包括一个序列的项目和时间估计为他们做必要的。 Making out the schedule forces you to take a look at your entire day or week and make some true decisions as to the importance of various activities.开出的时间表逼着你看看你的整个一天或一周看,并就各项活动的重要性,一些真实的决定。 Recognize that while planning takes time at the beginning, it saves much more time in the end.认识到在计划发生在开始时间,这样可以节省更多的结束时间。 Making Your Plan Work让您的策划工作 No time plan works miracles.没有时间计划的运作的奇迹。 There will always be interruptions and problems.总是会有中断和问题。 However, advanced planning can usually assist you in carrying out the task instead of becoming too distracted.但是,先进的规划通常可以协助执行任务,而不是你变得过于分散。 If you are going to have unusually heavy demands on your time and energy, plan in advance those ways to meet the peak load periods.如果你要对你的时间和精力,事先计划的方式,以满足高峰负荷期间不寻常的大量需求。 Start working early enough to avoid a last minute rush.及早开始工作,以避免延误。 Complete other regular jobs in advance so more time will be available for special needs.完成其他预先固定的工作,以便将更多的时间用于特殊需要提供。 Time Management Strategies时间管理策略 Regardless of the time plan you select, strategies of managing time can be helpful.计划你的时间选择,管理时间的策略,无论是有益的。 Try the following:尝试以下方法: Make and use a "Things To Do" list everyday.制作和使用“必做之事”的清单每天。 List and do them in order of importance.名单,做他们的重要性顺序。 Keep a notebook and calendar with you all the time.随身携带一本笔记本和日历中的所有的时间。 Use them for listing tasks to be completed, appointments, and shopping needs.利用上市他们完成任务,约会和购物需要。 Use your waiting time.用你的等待时间。 Accomplish small chores while you wait, such as reading, writing letters, or making a shopping list.完成小家务,而你等待,如阅读,写信,或制作一个购物清单。 Look at waiting time as a gift of time rather than a waste of time.在等待看作为一个时间,而不是浪费时间礼物的时间。 Guard yourself against agreeing to do things that you don't have time to do well.后卫对自己同意做的事情,你没有时间去做好。 Learn how to say "No" or "I really don't have time to do a good job, it wouldn't be fair of me to take this on."学习如何说“不”或“我真的没有时间做一个好工作,也不会是我参加这个公平。” Be firm!要坚定! Don't let unplanned activities drain away your own plan for using the day.不要让计划外的活动流失的日子里,你使用自己的计划。 Refuse calls you don't want to take; don't let others drop in, especially when you are taking advantage of your best work period; and if you want friends to call, schedule a given hour of the day when your door is "open."垃圾叫你不想参加,不要让别人在下降,尤其是当你正在你最好的工作期间的优势,如果你想要的朋友打电话,安排一小时的一天给你的门时是“开放。“ Reasonable people will understand and respect you if you ask them to make an appointment.理性的人会理解和尊重你,如果你问他们预约。 Organize an office in your home.组织您的家庭办公室。 Collect and file records and supplies needed frequently in order to reduce frustration and lost time.收集和记录,并提供所需的文件经常以减少挫折和损失的时间。 Concentrate on one thing at a time.在一点上是集中在一个时间。 Put all your energy into the task at hand.放入手头的任务,你的精力。 Tune out interruptions.调出中断。 Don't waste time thinking of all the things that have to be done.不要浪费时间的所有事情都要做思想。



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