

回答人的补充 2009-06-29 16:26 《半个菠萝蜜》 ——马可 Ladies and gentaman Boys and girls 有种水果叫菠萝蜜 有句咒语叫般若菠萝蜜 它们都是什么意思呢 OK让我来告诉你 One Two Begin! 波若就是佛具有的无所不知伟大智慧 波若蜜是胜利到达解脱的彼岸 请把智慧当作你的渡船 你才能够去到美丽的乐园 般若菠萝蜜还是半个菠萝蜜 YOU WILL FLND IT SO EASY 是般若菠萝蜜还是半个菠萝蜜 除了自己没人能够告诉你 从前有位庄周先生 做梦梦见一只蝴蝶 翩翩飞舞使他迷惑 是蝴蝶是我还是我是蝴蝶 梦里梦外 虚幻现实 恍惚之间究竟有何分别 圣人孔子没空遐想 坐着马车四处奔忙 他说仁者应当爱人 君子谦恭 内心刚强 逝者如斯夫不舍昼夜 先生叹息着站在黄河岸上 般若菠萝蜜还是半个菠萝蜜 YOU WILL BE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE 是般若菠萝蜜还是半个菠萝蜜 除了自己没人能够告诉你 秦王嬴政统一称霸 霸海登山举天笑骂 长征之内四海一家 千古疑兵万事潇洒 一片丹心 两袖清风 三国孔明 人中蛟龙 眉宇之间 舒卷风云 出师未捷身先死 长使英雄泪满襟 大唐内宫 云雾浮诈 人欲富祸 悬自应发 地田应尽 江山如画 贞观之治 清修铜花 名将岳飞 壮怀激烈 耿耿衷心 光耀日月 铁马刀枪 如山季节 壮志饥餐胡虏肉笑谈渴饮匈奴血 奇女木兰从军万里 飞越千山 归来梳妆 红颜分明 谁说女子不如男 苏武牧羊 北海之上 故国何处 烟神迷茫 一十六年 不屈不降 天资朱泰 白手还乡 李白诗仙 把酒问天 兰陵美酒 不朽诗篇 形影山水 飘零书卷 安能催梅折腰事权贵 使我不得开心颜 般若菠萝蜜还是半个菠萝蜜 YOU CAN DO IT MY BABY 是般若菠萝蜜还是半个菠萝蜜 除了自己没人能够告诉你
第1个回答  2020-11-27


第2个回答  2013-08-21
第3个回答  2013-08-21
1. Art Of Life

Desert Rose
Why do you live alone
If you are sad
I’ll make you leave this life
Are you white, blue or bloody red
All I can see is drowning in cold grey sand

The winds of time
You knock me to the ground
I’m dying of thirst
I wanna run away
I don’t know how to set me free to live
My mind cries out feeling pain

I’ve been roaming to find myself
How long have I been feeling endless hurt
Falling down, rain flows into my heart
In the pain I’m waiting for you
Can’t go back
No place to go back to
Life is lost, Flowers fall
If it’s all dreams
Now wake me up
If it’s all real
Just kill me

I’m making the wall inside my heart
I don’t wanna let my emotions get out
It scares me to look at the world
Don’t want to find myself lost in your eyes
I tried to drown my past in grey
I never wanna feel more pain
Ran away from you without saying any words
What I don’t wanna lose is love

Through my eyes
Time goes by like tears
My emotion’s losing the color of life
Kill my heart
Release all my pain
I’m shouting out loud
Insanity takes hold over me

Turning away from the wall
Nothing I can see
The scream deep inside
reflecting another person in my heart
He calls me from within
"All existence you see before you
must be wiped out :
Dream, Reality, Memories,
and Yourself"

I begin to lose control of myself
My lust is so blind, destroys my mind
Nobody can stop my turning to madness
No matter how you try to hold me in your heart
Why do you wanna raise these walls
I don’t know the meaning of hatred
My brain gets blown away hearing words of lies
I only want to hold your love本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2019-03-01



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