高分 8年新目标级英语所有的语法 100分



go skateboarding (去滑滑板) go swimming(去游泳) go shopping(去购物) go fishing(去钓鱼) go后面加上动词的-ing形式,表示去干什么事,中间无其它词。
2. go to the movies去看电影go to the park去公园 go to the zoo去动物园
go to the mountains去爬山 注意这些短语中都有the
3.once a week一周一次 twice a month一月两次 twice or three times a year一年两三次 three or four times a week 一周三四次 注意once 与twice的写法
4.as for至于 of course当然 come home from school 放学回家 想想下班回家应该怎么学呢? 对了,come home from work
5.get good grades 取得好的成绩 be active很积极;很活跃
He is pretty/very active. He is an active boy.
6.look after照顾,照看 try to do sth.尽量做……;
I try to eat junk food once a month. 我尽量每个月吃一次垃圾食品。
7.help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人干某事 help sb. with sth.
My brother helps me (to) study English every day. = My brother helps me with my English.
8. eating habits饮食习惯 想想“学习习惯”怎么说? 对了,studying habits
Her eating habits are pretty good. 注意前后保持一致
drink milk喝牛奶 eat junk food吃垃圾食品
注意: 不能是eat milk, 想想喝咖啡怎么说?
9.反义关系:healthy - unhealthy same- different less- more
10.be different from与……不同 the same as 与……一样
same 前必须用the e.g. Mary and Jerry are in the same class. Mary, Jerry在同一个班上。
They are in different classes. 他们在不同的班上。
Western food is different from Chinese food. 西餐与中餐有很大的不同。
11. 形容词变名词:active- activity healthy- health different – difference
keep healthy= keep in good health 注意两个短语中的词,不要弄错了。
12.同义句转换 I shop once a month. (go shopping)
He often surfs the Internet on weekends. (on Saturday and Sunday )
She is pretty healthy. (very)
13.want to do sth. 与want sb. to do sth.
want to do sth.表示“想干……事” want sb. to do sth “想让别人干……事”
e.g. He wants to visit his grandpa. 他想去看望他的爷爷。
e.g. They want me to help them. 他们想让我帮助他们。
14.hardly 的用法
hardly“几乎不”的意思,表示否定。所以句中如果有some, some要变成any。
There is some milk in the bottle. (用hardly改写句子)
There is hardly any milk in the bottle. 瓶子里几乎没有牛奶了。
15.a lot of , lots of, many ,much
a lot of = lots of = many a lot of = lots of = much
There are many people in the room.
She doesn’t have much money.
16.your与 yours用法。两上词的意思都是“您的” 的意思。但是your后面必须跟名词,而yours相当于加上名词,后面不能跟名词。
e.g. Is this your book? No, it isn’t. It’s yours. 句子中的yours就相当于 your book。
17.although虽然;尽管 but 但是
e.g. Although she lives in USA, she can’t speak English. 她虽住在美国,她却不会说英语。 也可以说:She lives in USA, but she can’t speak English.
18. no 的用法 no,“没有”的意思。 no = not a/an no = not any
There is no book on the desk. = There isn’t a book on the desk.
We have no egg. = We don’t have an egg.
She has no friends in Shanghai. = She doesn’t have any friends in Shanghai.
19. Sometimes“有时”,注意这个词不能分开写。 同义词还有now and then; at times
20.How often多久一次; How long多久; How many多少; How soon多久后
How often对never, hardly ever, once a month 之类的词提问。
e.g. I hardly ever exercise. (对划线部分提问)
How often do you exercise?
How many对数字提问,且在后面How many要跟一个复数名词。
e.g. They go to the movies 5 times a month. (对划线部分提问)
Do they go to the movies 5 times a month?
How many times do they go to the movies?
She eats only one egg for breakfast.
Does she eat one egg for breakfast?
How many eggs does she eat for breakfast?
How long 对一段时间提问
e.g.I read English 20 minutes every morning?
Do you read English 20 minutes every morning?
How long do you read English every morning?
How soon 对再过多久提问
e.g. They are coming back in 5 days.他们五天后回来。
Are they coming back in 5 days
How soon are they coming back?
1. She watches TV twice a week.
2. They go to Beijing three times a week.
3. He sleeps for 8 hours every night.
4. He sleeps for 8 hours every night.
5. They are going to UK in 2 month.

一、 情态动词should的用法


You should drink some hot tea with honey.


You shouldn't drink hot coffee.

Should I lie down and rest?

二、 情态动词have to的用法

1. 情态动词have to与其它的情态动词 can, may,must和should不同。

can, may,must和should这四个情态动词没有人称的变化,而have to有。它的第三人称单数为has to。

2. can, may,must和should这四个情态动词在一般疑问句中将它们提前并大写,在否定句中直接在它们后边加not即可。而have to 要加助动词do , does或did才能完成其疑问和否定。

三、 表示将来的各种用法

1. be going to 结构表示将来要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情。这个结构的使用主要侧重于口语。状语经常是表示将来的词,如tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon (不久), this afternoon, this evening, this year, before long (不久), some day (某天)等。

2. 当动词为come, go, leave, start, begin, arrive 等表示位置转移的词时,我们通常用现在进行时表将来。

3. 我们说某处有某物用There is.../ There are...的句型。那么它的将来时怎么表达呢?怎么带入"be going to "的结构中去呢?看下句就知道了:

There is going to be a bridge over the river next year. 明年在河上将有一座大桥。

通过上句,我们可以看出"is"是由"be going to "的be 来充当的。"be"是"there be "句型中的动词原形"be"。

我们千万不能说: There is going to have...


1. 祈使句用来表示请求、命令等,没有主语,动词用原形。否定的祈使句要在动词前加don't构成。例如:

Peel the apple, please.

Don't wake me up tomorrow morning.

2. 有时候吩咐别人做的某件事要分步骤来完成,并且有一个先后顺序,这时候可以恰当的使用first, next, then和finaly,既能使说话人喘口气,又能使听说者感到句子的连贯性。

First...(首先......), next...(接下来......), then...(然后......), finally...(最后......)




Can you tell us your story, Tony?


Could you pass the salt to me?



1. 原级比较:as...as... 像......一样 例如:

Zhang Hong is as tall as Tom.(形容词tall用的是原级。)

2. 形容词的比较级:形容词比较级+than... 例如:

He is taller than I.

3. 形容词的最高级:the + 形容词的最高级+of / in... 例如:

He is the tallest of the three.


She is cleverer than any other girl in the class.

在这句话中,"any other girl"指任何一个其他的女孩,是单数,所以我们仍视为二者进行比较,用比较级,但它的意思相当于"她是所有女孩中最聪明的"。



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