寻一首英文诗: 《think of you》


Think of You 想你  In the morning  when the sun  is just starting to light the day  I am awakened  and my first thoughts are of you  At night  I stare at the dark trees  Silhouetted against the quiet stars  I am entranced into a complete peacefulness  and my last thoughts are of you  [参考译文]  清晨  当初升的太阳  开始照亮新的一天  我从梦中醒来  首先想到的是你  夜晚  我凝视静谧星空衬托下的  幽幽树影  万籁俱寂  最后的思念还是你
第1个回答  2013-08-27
The sun is setting on a lonely day

The colours are splitting, the perfect way

Your strolling home as you see this too

And I watch from a window thinking of you

From this day on, Ill look forever

That magical sunset, our memories together

To help me through when my life gets tough

And when I feel that Ive had enough

The sun you see, makes me think of you

The miracle of it, the wonder too

I see you both everyday as you know

To stop seeing either, Id have to say, no

The bright colours shine from within my heart

The colours of a sunset, a special part

Of a day in my life I wish you could see

Just whats its like, just to be me.
第2个回答  2013-08-27
不知道你说的哪首,如果只是找类似的,以下这首可参考。 Thinking of Youby MaryI cant go to sleep I’m just thinking of you
Thinking of tonight
And all of the feelings coming through
When I’m with you,
There’s nowhere else I want to be
It’s just right
You with me
You make me melt when you kiss me
You make me faint when you touch me
I have all these emotions and I’m not sure why
I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life
Its 2 a.m. and I’m thinking of you
And all the crazy things you do
I’m so happy I want to cry
Just the fact that I’m with my dream guy
Your perfect in everyway
I prayed for someone like you
And God sent you my way
I’m wide-awake thinking of you
You must be an angel
There’s no other explanation
These feelings are real
Not just flirtation
I love being with you
Just watching the stars
Is so romantic with you
I don’t care what anyone else has to say
It’s just you and me
Forever I pray
I’m crying myself to sleep thinking of you
These are tears of happiness
Its amazing how one person can transform your life
You’re all I want
Everything else is pointless
I don’t know how I feel
But I know that its forreal
I can honestly say I love you
While I cant go to sleep thinking of you



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