
比如 公园的设施 如过山车的英文是roller coaster 蹦极是 bungie jumping~~~

carnival 游乐园
rollercoaster 过山车
ferris wheel 摩天轮
merry go round 旋转木马
corsair 海盗船
roller coaster 环滑车
go-cart 单座赛车
tower 塔
giant stride 旋转飞椅
monorail 单轨列车
entrance 入口
swinging boat 秋千船
money exchanger 换币处
astrojet(proper noun) 旋转飞机
rotor 大转轮
mad-mouse (proper noun) 疯狂老鼠
merry-go-round 旋转木马
excursion boat 观览艇
revolving boat 碰碰船
mini-train 小火车
track 铁轨

第1个回答  2013-08-26
摩天轮 ferris wheel
第2个回答  2013-08-26
Today is the beginning of three large, older sister and I went to the park to play.
We came to the car park Weibin. Park Jin-door to see two rows of pillars decorated with flowers, a pillar in the middle by a large flower beds flower dress. , Further away, there is a large garden in the middle of the Olympic stadium built to imitate the bird's nest, a very beautiful, Jalan many of the camera there. Park, coming and going, there was quite a crowd.
First of all we have to board the "spaceship", with the "spaceship" swing up and down, scared, we cried, I both thrilling and exciting and a "space" feel at the foot of the Qing Piaopiao. Then we went to a haunted house, ghost house there are many man-made ghosts, are all Qingmianliaoya, is a terrorist, look at the people feel afraid, scared me closely with the sister, a haunted house my heart still does not jump Stop, I was scared to death of.
Finally we arrived at the lake-Bin, see the charter, we have to discuss a row, we rented a two-Jiaota Chuan, the board can not wait to push Heart Lake, Lake came to mind when And how the ship is not the way forward, the only place around, the urgency of our hard drive, or in place around the ship. We have the heart to the lake there is no way for a long time, the cousin of the shore loudly asked managers to know that we are under the control of the boat in the wrong, the original lever to move the ship turn to the right, back under control Boat to turn left, the lever in the middle of the ship before moving forward. We have to learn to row a boat after the drill-dong, the ice pick to play. Lake has been playing to no one and we have to disembark to go home.
Today, I am very pleased to not only play but also learned how to row a boat, really interesting!



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