
近年来,我国经济持续高速发展 ,城镇居民收入随之较快增长,但城镇居民收入差距也在不断拉大,而我国改革的最终目标是使全国人民都能享受到改革的成果,最终实现共同富裕。但现阶段我国国民收入差距日趋加大,贫富差距不断拉大,成为影响改革收入和建设和谐社会的突出问题,并直接影响到全面建设小康社会宏伟蓝图的实现。本文对我国城乡居民收入差距扩大的深层原因做了探讨,并就这一问题提出若干政策性建议

In recent years, China's economy maintained rapid development, the incomes of urban residents followed a relatively fast growth, but the income gap between urban residents are becoming larger, and China's reform and the ultimate goal is to enable people throughout the country to enjoy the fruits of reform and eventually to achieve common Prosperity. But at the present stage of China's growing income gap between the increasing gap between rich and poor is widening, a revenue impact of the reform and building a harmonious society of the outstanding problems, and direct impact on the overall grand blueprint for building a well-off society can be achieved. This paper on China's income gap between urban and rural residents to expand the deep-seated reasons for doing the study, and on this issue made a number of policy recommendations
第1个回答  2008-05-21
近年来,我国经济持续高速发展 ,城镇居民收入随之较快增长,但城镇居民收入差距也在不断拉大,而我国改革的最终目标是使全国人民都能享受到改革的成果,最终实现共同富裕。但现阶段我国国民收入差距日趋加大,贫富差距不断拉大,成为影响改革收入和建设和谐社会的突出问题,并直接影响到全面建设小康社会宏伟蓝图的实现。本文对我国城乡居民收入差距扩大的深层原因做了探讨,并就这一问题提出若干政策性建议。
In recent years, China's economy maintained rapid development, the incomes of urban residents followed a relatively fast growth, but the income gap between urban residents are becoming larger, and China's reform and the ultimate goal is to enable people throughout the country to enjoy the fruits of reform and eventually to achieve common Prosperity. But at the present stage of China's growing income gap between the increasing gap between rich and poor is widening, a revenue impact of the reform and building a harmonious society of the outstanding problems, and direct impact on the overall grand blueprint for building a well-off society can be achieved. This paper on China's income gap between urban and rural residents to expand the deep-seated reasons for doing the study, and on this issue made a number of policy recommendations.



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