
迈克尔杰克逊的一首歌其中有段歌词是 这首歌叫什么啊i know you ,you know me

come together一起来!
Come Together 一起来

作词、作曲、编曲:John Lennon(约翰-列侬)、Paul McCartney(保罗-麦卡尼)
Produced by Michael Jackson.

Here come old flattop        他穿着肥大的衣服
he come grooving up slowly     他慢慢地进入状态
He's got Joo Joo eyeball      眼珠叽里咕噜地转
He one holy roller         他是唱诗班的明星
He got hair down to his knees   他的头发垂到了膝盖
Got to be a joker          这个自以为是的家伙
he just do what he please      只喜欢干自己高兴的事

He wear no shoeshine       他不擦鞋油
He's got toe jam football      他有胶皮足球
He's got Wonky finger       他爱瞎胡闹
He shoot Coca-Cola        他抛掷着可口可乐罐

He say "I know you, you know me"  他说“我认识你,你也认识我”
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free我想告诉你的是你得释放自己
Come together right now over me   立刻一起到我这儿来

He bag production          他有一堆玩意儿
He's got walrus gum-boot       他有海象胶皮统靴
He's got Ono sideboard        他有洋子牌餐桌
He one spinal cracker         爱漂亮女人
He got feet down through his knees   他可以跪地哀求
Hold you in his armchair       把你抱坐在他的扶椅上
You can feel his disease        你就能感觉他的病态
Come together right now over me   立刻一起到我这儿来

He roller coaster            他爱玩过山车
He's got early warning         他早有预兆
He's got muddy water         他爱趟浑水
He one Mojo filter           他爱用魔力滤器
He say "One and one and one is three"  他说“1+1+1=3”
Got to be good looking         你必须要打扮得漂亮
'cause he's so hard to see        以免被他忽视
Come together right now over me     立刻一起到我这儿来
第1个回答  2013-04-14
Come together,翻唱披头士的歌,在电影Moonwalker中表演过,收录在专辑History中
第2个回答  2013-04-13
come together。 望采纳。
第3个回答  2013-04-14
是come together 吧



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