

世上有伯乐,这以后才有千里马。千里马经常有,但是伯乐不常有。所以即使有很名贵的马,也只能在仆役的手里受到埋没,跟普通的马一同死在马厩里,不以千里马著称。 日行千里的马,吃一顿有时能吃尽一石粮食。饲养马的人不懂得根据千里马日行千里的特点来喂养它。这马虽然有日行千里的才能,吃不饱,力不足,才能和美好的素质不能显现出来,想要和一般的马一样尚且不可能,怎么能要求它日行千里呢? 驱使它不按照驱使千里马的方法,喂养它不能竭尽它的才能,马鸣叫但不能通晓它的意思,拿起马鞭面对千里马说:“天下没有千里马!”唉!难道真的没有千里马吗?恐怕是真的不能识别千里马吧!
第1个回答  2013-04-14
Fashion world has bole, which after the horses. Chollima often, but Bole not often. So even if there is a very rare horse, can only be buried in his hands, with the ordinary horse die together in the stables, not to the horse. A thousand-mile horses, sometimes eat a meal with a stone grain. Horses do not know according to the characteristics of the horse to butter to feed it. This horse has run a thousand miles a day can be, do not have enough to eat, capacity, ability and good quality can not appear, want and like horses do not possible, how can you ask it to butter? Drive it not drive horses in the correct way, feeding it cannot do all it can, but not have screamed it means, picked up the whip against the maxima, said: "there is no maxima!" Alas! Is there really no horses? I'm afraid it is not identify maxima!
第2个回答  2013-04-13
第3个回答  2013-04-13
世上有了伯乐,然后有千里马 是这个吗



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