会加分!!!几道2013青浦区高三英语一模的语法题 谢谢啦!!

25. The fishermen were illegally arrested just several miles _____ the north coast.
A. on B. off C. along D. by 答案B 我选C
27. They have promised the money collected _____ be handed to the charity house.
A. can B. must C. will D. shall 答案D 我选C
28. It can never be denied that _____ with a big family results in his quitting school.
A. having burdened B. being burdened C. to burden D. burdening答案B我选D

35. “Does anybody know the definition of Nerd?” _____ the host seated in the front.
A. asked B. asking C. ask D. to ask答案A 我选B

40. I couldn’t help feeling great _____ I put on the parachute and was pulled off the beach.
A. even though B. whether C. while D. the moment答案D 我选C

25. B. off正确。各选项区别:on the coast 在海岸上,是在陆地上;off the coast 在海上,指离海岸有一定距离的海上;along the coast 沿着海岸;by the coast 在海岸边。
27. D. shall。 当情态动词 shall 与第二、第三人称连用时,表示“允诺、警告、强制、命令”等含义。“他们答应所募集的资金一定会交给福利院。”
28. B. being burdened with a big family 背负着一个大家庭的负担。
burden vt. 把重担加于,加重压于。从句子意思看,他是被加了重担,所以用 –ing 的被动结构。全句意思:永远不能否认,背负着一个大家庭的重压导致他辍学。
35. A. asked。 这就是动词作谓语,主语是 the host,引号里面是 asked 所问的内容,可以看作宾语。这里不要理解为 –ing 作伴随状语。
40. D. the moment 也可以引导一个时间状语从句。While “当……的时候”,从句里面的动词通常是延续性动词,而这里的 put on (穿上)是一个结束性动词,所以 C 是错误的。  



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