




Tower of Paris
you are standing on the tower of Paris.
there is a long distance between you and me.
I am staring on you at a corner in a cafe at Elysee street.

all French are focus on you who is wearing a red cloth while showing the attraction casually.

getting high would lose your sight.
so how could you feel the romantic Paris.
just try to close your eyes to feel the lovely air.

please come down and I am waiting for you there.
getting high would make you die.
you are too more self-protection from the other.
so how could the one who loves you approach near you.
love between you and me is once in a life time.
please value it.
please come down because you are standing too high.
嗯~四楼的回答者:ianh - 门吏 三级不错,就是要这样的,有什么新颖的观点,就提出来咯~!谢了~!

巴黎铁塔应该就是艾菲尔铁塔吧?应该是the Eiffel Tower,一般是要加the的。

I am staring on you at a corner in a cafe at Elysee street.
我觉得应该是staring at吧?

all French are focus on you who is wearing a red cloth while showing the attraction casually.
应该是all French' eyes are focused on ,因为focus本来就是动词,这里用被动吧。个人觉得改为all French' eyes比较好。
还有就是a red cloth,应该是a red clothes,cloth是布的意思。
all French' eyes are focused on you wearing a red cloth and showing attraction casually.


getting high would lose your sight.
so how could you feel the romantic Paris.
原句是太高,所以getting too high比较好,嗯,其实我个人翻译的话会翻译成stangding too high,应该用getting有种爬上去的感觉,这个伱自己考虑吧。

please come down and I am waiting for you there.

getting high would make you die. 怎么会是die?是否打错的??头晕应该是dizzy吧。

you are too more self-protection from the other.这个句子好像有问题哦,保留主谓宾,就成了you are self-protection,而且用the other也不行,the other仅用于两者中剩下的那个.
so how could the one who loves you approach near you. 我没有见到过approach near的用法,approach 一般与to连用。
这两句一起这样译吧,too more self-protection makes the others loving you couldn't approach.
love between you and me is once in a life time. 这句话总觉得不通顺,说不出来为什么。

please come down because you are standing too high.我觉得用you stand too high好点。

the Eiffel Tower

you are standing on the Eiffel Tower.
there is a long distance between you and me.
I am staring at you at a corner in a cafe at Elysee street.
all French' eyes are focused on you wearing a red cloth and showing attraction casually.

stangding too high would make you fuzzy
and could't feel the romantic of Paris
too clearly after time goes by.
just try to close your eyes to feel the lovely air.
please come down and I am waiting for you here.

getting high would make you dizzy.
too more self-protection makes the others loving you couldn't approach.
love between you and me is once in a life time.
please value it.
please come down because you stand too high.


站在巴黎铁塔的你 Standing on the top of the Eiffel Tower
高不可攀是我们的距离 Too distant is our distance
香榭利大街的咖啡厅 In a cafe at Elysee street
一个不起眼的角落有个我专注着你 I am staring at you in an unattractive conner

法国的焦点开始转移France's fouse is change
所有的目光落在了那个红衣少女All the eyes fouse on the red clothes girl
不经意的自然魅力Casual nature attraction
发挥着她最大的威力Shows her great glamour

你站得太高 Too high you stand
会看不清 Too fuzzy your sight
巴黎的浪漫 Paris's romantic
后知后觉你才清醒Too late when you realize
试着闭着眼睛 Just try to close your eyes
去感受这浓浓气息 to feel the strong fragrance
快下来吧我等着你 Come down.I'm here waiting.

你站得太高 Too high you stand
就会头晕 Too dizzy you feel
自我保护的多心 Self-protection heart
爱你的人都却步难行 Too difficult the others loving you
这份缘一生一次 Only once in life
请务必要珍惜 Please value our love
快下来吧你有点高了 Come down quickly.You stand too high.

我尽量做到了押韵,但这的确很难,不过上下结构我都尽力做到了对称。歌词形式很自由,不必过于拘束于语法。比如名词的叠用、互相修饰,像Self-protection heart形式,其实在书面语中也是可以用的。
第1个回答  2008-04-02
第2个回答  2008-04-03
第3个回答  2008-04-08
getting high would lose your sight.
so how could you feel the romantic Paris

第4个回答  2008-04-12
Stand on the Eiffel Tower of you
High can't the 攀 is our distance
The coffee parlor of the fragrant 榭 benefit avenue
A don't attract attention of there is in corner I devote one's mind you

The focus of France starts transfer
All visions fall at
Natural magic power that that red dress young girl pay no attention
Exertive her biggest power

You stand too high
Will see not pure
Parisian romance
Those who believe and follow the seer you are just awake
Try to shut the eye
Feel this thick thick breathing
Quick come down I wait for you

You stand too high
Would be dizzy
Protective over sensitive of ego
Persons who love you all step back the difficult line
This good luck whole life is once
Please must to cherish
Quick come down you have a little high
第5个回答  2008-04-18
You stand on the Eiffel Tower
We reach is the distance
Champs Lee Street Cafe
A humble corner, I have a focus that you

France began the focus of transfer
All eyes fall on the
That the red girl inadvertently natural charm
She plays a power of the largest

You stand too high
Will be unclear
Romantic Paris
You can clear hindsight
I tried to close their eyes when examining
This dense atmosphere to be felt
I am waiting for it down fast you

You stand too high
Will be dizziness
Multi self-protection
Love you people are deterred by the hard line
The margin of a lifetime
Be sure to treasure
Fast you down a bit high bar



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