

Elizabeth is an aloof and proud girl, love in front of her performance - yes, she won't because Mr. Darcy rich and to his flattery, not because of John no money for his distance, more will not give in to her mother rude requirements, and marry, colin that timeserving person, she has her own principle, she can't because a man have more carriage, more servant, or more house property, and to please him, so when the west first asked her to marry him, she will be decisive turn down this very worthy to throw the olive branch. Believe that when darcy in frustrated, more is to Elizabeth awe and respect, because it is Elizabeth let him know, money and status will not decides everything, really win the feelings of is your true and sincerity. So darcy had to please Elizabeth, and change his attitude. Make his face in front of Elizabeth look brand-new. Finally he won the Elizabeth's favor, won her heart, jack shall have Jill. Their love and money has nothing to do, that is a as crystal as pure love. Elizabeth let me understand a lot of. Perhaps in this materialistic era, in this money first time, those who desire to get love girls, reference more should be his character his moral accomplishment, and not the other, don't be present some false things and lost their own direction, I wish the world all good girl would like Elizabeth have a pure beautiful love 关闭全屏阅读 意 来自有道词典追问


第1个回答  2012-11-29
Elizabeth is a lonely girl, in love before her performance is be neither humble nor pushy, she won't because Mr. Darcy rich and for his flattery, not because of his estranged John without money, but not to yield to her mother rude request, and marry Scully the trend-yan attached potential person, she has her own principle, she will not be because of a man more carriage, with more servants, or more real estate, and to please him, so the proposal when West first asked her, she would refuse stoutly the rich kids throwing to the olive branch. Believe when Darcy in despair, is more on Elizabeth's awe and respect, because Elizabeth let him know, money and status does not decide everything, really win the affection is your love and sincerity. Darcy so to please Elizabeth, and changed his attitude. Made his appearance in front of Elizabeth to take on an altogether new aspect. Eventually he won Elizabeth's favor, get her heart, Jack shall have jill. Their love and not about the money, it is a such as crystal pure love. Elizabeth let me understand a lot of. Perhaps in this materialistic age, in this materialistic age, those desiring love girls, reference should be more his character and his morality, and not the other, not to be in front of some false things and lost my way, I wish the world all good girls will like Elizabeth have a pure love
第2个回答  2012-11-29
Elizabeth is an aloof and proud girl, love in front of her performance - yes, she won't because Mr. Darcy rich and to his flattery, not because of John no money for his distance, more will not give in to her mother rude requirements, and marry, colin that timeserving person, she has her own principle, she can't because a man have more carriage, more servant, or more house property, and to please him, so when the west first asked her to marry him, she will be decisive turn down this very worthy to throw the olive branch. Believe that when darcy in frustrated, more is to Elizabeth awe and respect, because it is Elizabeth let him know, money and status will not decides everything, really win the feelings of is your true and sincerity. So darcy had to please Elizabeth, and change his attitude. Make his face in front of Elizabeth look brand-new. Finally he won the Elizabeth's favor, won her heart, jack shall have Jill. Their love and money has nothing to do, that is a as crystal as pure love. Elizabeth let me understand a lot of. Perhaps in this materialistic era, in this money first time, those who desire to get love girls, reference more should be his character his moral accomplishment, and not the other, don't be present some false things and lost their own direction, I wish the world all good girl would like Elizabeth have a pure beautiful love本回答被网友采纳



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