

What are vehicles going to be like in the future? What are the advantages of the current vehicles? Can they be greatly improved in the future? And what are the shortcomings that should be overcome? I always ask myself these questions and I have an answer. In the future, vehicles can be used anywhere under the water, on the ground and in the sky. Their running speed can be really fast. They also have very cool appearances. People can also design and decorate their own vehicles without any difficulty. These vehicles are easy to store and carry. They can become smaller when people want to store them in their houses. (110字)
第1个回答  2012-12-14
What kind of tracfic will be like in the future?
Today we have car , plane ,train, bike. The vehical change our way of life. Plane makes us can go to where we want to.
But now we face the problem of lack of oil. We need to slove it.
May be in future we can use bio-oil mixed with oil.
May the speed will be faster and faster.And the weight will be lighter and lighter.
We can only use one kind of vechical to travel all the place,such as in water, in air.
May be it will become much more cheaper so that every family will have its own vevhical to live.
I hope it can be reliazed one day.
Just like some sences in films.



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