1.After 3 years,he C teacher. A.turned B.got C.became D.was 以下几道题,帮忙解答一下2.3.4.5中的考点

2.She's such a good teacher_we all like her.
A.as B.that C.﹨D.hence
3.She's such a good teacher_we all like.
A.that B.﹨C.as D.hence
4.It was 4:00_we got home.
A.that B﹨.C.while D.when
5.It was at 4:00_we got home.
A﹨B.as C.when D.that
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
1.I _(give)ten minutes to prepare the speech yesterday.
2.my hair is too long.I'll have it_(cut)tomorrow.

1. 选C,但是漏了一个不定冠词a,应该是he became 【a】teacher;

2. 选B.that,属于【so + 形容词+ that + 从句】/【so + 形容词+ 名词+ that +从句】/【such + 形容词+ 名词+ 从句】的句型;

3. 选A.that 或 B.﹨,we all like是定语从句,修饰good teacher,因为like后面没有宾语,that 是定语从句的引导词,作宾语,但也可以省略。句子意思是:他就是一个我们所喜欢的老师。

4. 选D.when,是when引导的时间状语从句,意思是:我们回家时是四点。

5. 选D.that,这是强调状语的强调句,原句为:We got home at 4:00. 强调at 4:00,变为It was at 4:00 that we got home. 要注意的是,不管强调的是什么,都要用that,而不是强调人用 who,强调时间用when,强调事物用which,这是经常错的,当然也就是考点所在。

1. I was given(give)ten minutes to prepare the speech yesterday.

2.my hair is too long.I'll have it cut (cut)tomorrow.
不可能自己剃头,是让别人做,句型是have sth done(过去分词),cut的过去分词仍是cut.追问

1.He smoked with concentration.He concentrate ( )it.
A.with B.on c.in d.for
2.The operation lasted for over 3 hours.That's how long it went_
A./ B.over C.off D.on
3.The only way to do this…There was only one way___
A.in B.of C.by D.to
4.I produced a packet of sweets from my bag.I took one ___
A.off B.out of C.out D.from


1. B. on
2. A. /
3. A. in There was only one way___ (后面句子还没完吧?)
4. A. off


对还有个doing this.........


前面第三句还可用C. as, 作为考题,这一题不是太好,但作为学英语,要知道答案并非唯一的,否则就是读死书。

第1个回答  2012-12-01
2的答案是B,因为“we all like her “是一个完整的句子,不缺少成分,应该用“that”引导;
3的答案是C,因为“we all like ”缺少宾语,故应该用“as ”引导;
4的答案是D,这是一个状语从句,应该在“while “和”when ”中选择,又因“when”表简短的时间而“while”表延续,所以应该选D;
第2个回答  2012-12-01
2. B so that 从句,that在从句中不充当任何成分
3. C such as从句,修饰成分在从句中充当宾语
4. A 强调句,强调4点,在从句中不充当成分
5. C 强调句,强调at 4 o'clock,在从句中充当时间状语

1. gave
2. cut追问

1.He smoked with concentration.He concentrate ( )it.
A.with B.on c.in d.for
2.The operation lasted for over 3 hours.That's how long it went_
A./ B.over C.off D.on
3.The only way to do this…There was only one way___
A.in B.of C.by D.to
4.I produced a packet of sweets from my bag.I took one ___
A.off B.out of C.out D.from


1. C in
2. D on
3. D to
4. A off

第3个回答  2012-12-01



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