

1. No matter where I am,you ‘re always (here)with me,supporting (me) and encouraging me.
( 这个我假设你是要当面说出来或者是像演讲答谢部分那类型的语气,念的时候逗号停顿,整体地念supporting me,完了略停顿,再念and encouraging me ...如果书面的话,那个here就可以去掉了,supporting后面的me也可以去掉~)

2. I saw you at the first sight,(回顾过往,平静陈述型)
I could see you at the first sight.(强调心理上很安心,一眼就能看见)
My eyes were captured at the first sight of you.(这个...我就不确定表达是否无误,但想说的就是一种第一眼看见就移不开视线,强调一种情难自禁的感觉)

因为不知道你想要的是什么感觉的...所以给了几个版本,时态上,1部分句子所陈述的我觉得任何时候都适用,所以选了现在进行时或说现在时,2部分句子我假设的是过去时,你就看着挑来用吧~~因为我不是native speaker,所以不保证没错误...希望能帮上你~~


第1个回答  2012-12-02
1. " No matter where I am, you'll always be by my side supporting me silently and encouraging me."

2. " I saw you at the first sight./ My eyes were captured by you at the first sight."

第2个回答  2012-12-02
No matter where I am, you will always be with me, support and encourage me silently.

I saw you at my first glance.
第3个回答  2012-12-02
Wherever I am, you will always be there to support me and encourage me by heart.
I spotted you at first glance.
第4个回答  2012-12-02
1Wherever I am,you'll always be by my side supporting me silently and encouraging me.

2It's you that the first time I saw .( 强调句式)
第5个回答  2012-12-02
1, no matter where I am, you will be at my side, silently support me, encourage me, 2, I first saw you.
第6个回答  2012-12-02
No matter where I go, you will be by my side, silent support me, encouraged me,
I saw you at the first time.



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