
爱尔兰文学家、著名作家和文学评论家弗兰克•奥康瑙尔(Rrank O"Connor)说:“我认为简•奥斯汀是最伟大的小说家。绝对是最伟大的!”他还认为奥斯汀是“英国文学最伟大的技巧巨匠之一,她在文学方面炉火纯青就像莫扎特在音乐方面完美无缺一样。”


英国著名文学家和评论家基布尔(T.T.Kebble)说“简•奥斯汀是一位喜剧艺术家”,并认为她“在纯粹喜剧艺术方面仅次于莎士比亚”。英国十九世纪著名史学家、诗人和政论家托马斯•马科莱(Thomas Macauley)称她为“写散文的莎士比亚”。


Irish writers, renowned writer and literature critic franker • Austria Kang Naoer (Rrank O " Connor) said: “I think Jan • Austin is the greatest writer of fiction. Is absolutely greatest!”He also thought that Austin is “one of British literature greatest skillful great masters, she reach a high degree of proficiency looks like Mozart in the literature aspect to be perfect same in music aspect.”

David • Cecile also said: “the most successful writer is the artistic rule person who follows strictly controls him to choose. In all choice novel this kind of art's person, who doesn't have compared to Jan • Austin is observing the novel art rule carefully, is precisely this point causes her to exceed other British writers of fiction. Because her novel art skill is excellent, she causes to possess other British writers of fiction to pale by comparison.” the Britain renowned writers and critic Keeble (T.T.Kebble) said “Jan • Austin is a comedy artist”, and thought that she “is only inferior in the pure comedy art aspect to Shakespeare”.

In the 19th century of Britain renowned historian, poet and political commentator Tomas • Ma Kelai (Thomas Macauley) said that she is “Shakespeare who writes the prose”. like Austria Kang Naoer said that Austin is the position “the most outstanding moralist, she always educates the reader through the novel, moreover she taught the way is discrete and thorough”. She ever does not preach in the novel, but always the house teaches to satirize, learns through playing, lets the reader in the behavior which from work these funny laughable characters self-contradictory, the absurd laughable conversation manner and works just the opposite obtain the pleasure and the inspiration.

Maugham said: “I believed that the general readers already recognized "with Prejudice is Austin's masterpiece Arrogant", I thought that their appraisal is very critical. Causes a work to become the classical famous work, is not critics' junction mouth praise, professors' elaboration research, serves as in the school the textbook, but causes a generations of another generation of numerous reader in reads the joyfulness which in this work obtains, receives the inspiration, the depth the teaching benefits. I believed that "Arrogant And Prejudice" generally speaking, is in all novels a most satisfying work.”
第1个回答  2008-04-12
Irish writer, well-known writer and literary critic Frank • Aokangnaoer (Rrank O "Connor) said:" I think Jane • Austin is the greatest novelists. Is absolutely the greatest! "He also believes that Austin is" the greatest British literary skills of the great masters, she literature Luhuochunjing like Mozart in music in the same perfect. "

• Cecil David also said: "The most successful writers are the most strictly abide by the dominance of his chosen art of the people. Selected novels in all such people in the arts, there's no more than SR • Austin carefully observed the art of fiction, which has made her better than other British novelist. her superb novel artistic skills, she makes all dwarfs all other British novelist. "

Well-known British writer and critic Jibuer (T. T. Kebble) said that "Jane is a comedy • Austin artists," and that she "just after Shakespeare's comedy arts." The famous 19th century British historian, poet and political commentator Thomas • Make Lai (Thomas Macauley) said she "wrote Shakespeare's prose."
If Aokangnaoer said, Austin is a "most outstanding moral home, she was always to educate readers through novels, and the way she taught to be prudent and thoughtful." She never preaching in the novel, and always conducted education satirical, and entertaining for readers who works from the contradictory figures ludicrous, ridiculous and counterproductive acts Yantanjuzheng have fun in and inspiration.

Maugham said: "I believe that the vast number of readers has been determined that" Pride and Prejudice "is a masterpiece of Austin, I think their assessment is fair. Works to become one of the classics, not commentators praised the junction, professors on the research for school textbooks, but rather to enable the generation after generation of readers to read many works by this pleasure by the Enlightenment, by the lessons learned. Personally, I think that, "Pride and Prejudice" Generally speaking, All fiction is the most satisfactory one works. "
第2个回答  2019-10-10




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