

方人以米饭为主食, 北方的地势平坦,气候干而冷, 因此北方人以面条,馒头,饺子,馄饨等面食为主食。另一类叫








中国菜的烹调方法常见的有五十多种,根据操作方法和传热的不同,可以分为八大类:一是炒,爆, 熘;二是炸, 烹;







品来食用。蒸是我国古老的烹调方法之一,蒸法的操作比较简单,就是把原料放入容器内,装入屉里, 通过加热产生

高温蒸汽而使原料成熟的一种烹调方法。最关键是根据原料的性质,类别, 形态和菜肴的质感,掌握好各种火候。它


We know that Chinese food can be divided into two categories, one is food, also known as staple foods, and slower because of the topography of the South, warm, rich wheat, South

Fangren to rice-based food, the north is flat, dry and cold climate, so the northerners to noodles, steamed buns, dumplings, wonton noodles and other staple food. The other is

Fusi, such as meat, eggs, dairy, poultry, fish, viscera category, seafood, beans and vegetables, etc.. Western countries also can be divided into plant food and

Two types of animals, animal food including meat, poultry, aquatic products category, type of game, like dairy products, eggs, fish products; plant food, including grain

Food categories, such as vegetables, livestock in a cattle (steak, beef, milk……) for the largest, most potatoes to vegetables, and fresh bread-based, with these

Cattle-rich countries, such as potatoes and wheat are closely linked. As for rice, noodles, wonton and dumplings in the West is not as a staple food, and as dishes.
Westerners prefer to cook large pieces of raw materials, such as the large piece of beef row, large fish, large piece of chicken, ducks and large, and even large pieces of bread also. The Chinese food with the exception of a few large

Block of raw materials, mostly raw materials will cut wire, film, paragraph, the article, together with rice. Therefore it was decided the two sides of Chinese and Western cooking methods and focus on a certain difference.
China is a very particular about cooking techniques country. The cooking goes back to ancient times, the world-famous Chinese dishes to cooking skills, tricks wide variety

, Color, smell, shape, gas, intended俱佳and Chiyu the world.
China attaches great importance to heat the cooking, heat, is the firepower of the changes, master heat is on the dishes of raw materials for heating size and firepower is the master of time

Length of cooking to meet the requirements. Also at Wanghuo firepower, the temperature fire, Weihuo, depending on the cooking method of choice of different heat for the Commissioner of China's cuisine is very

Chinese cuisine cooking methods are common more than 50 kinds, according to methods of operation and the different heat, can be divided into eight categories: First, speculation, explosions, Liu and the other is fried, cooked;

Third, it is fried, Ta, paste, Rang; Fourth, it is burned, rapid, Wei, expense, Caterers; Fifth, it is roasted, salt, smoked, baked mud; six is Tun, boiled, stewed, boiled, steamed; seven is Roberts, sugar Water, nectar; sand is 8.30

Pot, cooking pot, health-pot. Speculation is the most basic cooking techniques, is the most extensive application of a cooking methods. Apart from speculation, it almost every meal is essential for cooking

Way is to cook, cooking is the raw material Add to broth or water, to use Wanghuoshaofei, and Yong Xiaohuo Shaoshu, is one of the ways to do soups, broth-thick, taste

- Fresh. The benefits of speculation and it is a short time, speed, become a general housewives commonly used method of cooking. Meanwhile, boil soups and stew is cooking methods, the general

To take a more expensive ingredients in the soup, cooked and after preliminary treatment of major raw materials into the anti-containers, Wanghuo boil, small fire or a heating Weihuo long cooking

Transfer methods. As a long time, cooking up the dish with texture Sulan, broth Weinong mellow-fresh characteristics. Suitable for autumn and winter period as a fill in nutrition

Commodities to eat. Steam is China's one of the oldest cooking methods, steaming method of operation is relatively simple, that is the raw material into containers filled drawer, produced by heating

High-temperature steam而使raw material of a mature cooking methods. According to the most critical is the nature of raw materials, type, shape and texture of food, master all kinds of heat. It

The feature is able to maintain its shape and color of the beautiful, a hotel and the family favorite.



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