根据下面表格的提示,写一篇如何保护我们的环境(How to protect our environment/earth?)的短文,不少于

根据下面表格的提示,写一篇如何保护我们的环境(How to protect our environment/earth?)的短文,不少于90词左右(15分) 人类的不明智之举 1.乱伐树林2.乱扔垃圾3.不加处理排放废物 导致的问题 1.土地沙化2.河水变脏3.空气质量差4.全球气温升高 建议 至少两条合理化建议 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

How to protect our environment?
As time goes by, man is making the earth sick. People cut down too many trees and throw rubbish away here and there. Many factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes. As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand. Many rivers and lakes are dead now. The air is becoming dirtier and dirtier. The temperature on the earth becomes higher and higher. Many people now are in bad health. I think everyone is supposed to reduce the waste. Recycling can not only protect the environment but also save money. We’d better not buy bottles or boxes which people can use only once. If we are greener people, our world will become more and more beautiful.

【亮点说明】这是一篇优秀的范文。这篇作文内容完整,意思连贯,层次分明,语言表达准确,观点鲜明。将题目中所给的内容加上自己的看法,完整的表达了出来。首先作者先介绍了人们的一些错误的做法,这部分里较好的句式有As time goes by、throw rubbish away here and there等。接下来作者写的是人们这样做带来的后果,As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand、The air is becoming dirtier and dirtier。最后,也是这篇短文的中心部分,作者给出了自己的建议,这些建议非常合理,也很切题。这里面较好的句式有I think everyone is supposed to reduce the waste、If we are greener people, our world will become more and more beautiful等。



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