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第1个回答  2013-02-04
第2个回答  2013-02-02
1. The Gastrointestinal Motility Group, Digestive Disease Branch of Chinese Medical Association, “Consensus on Diagnoses and Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome”, (2007, Changsha) [J], Chinese Journal of Digestion, 2008, 28(1): P38-40
2. Pan Guozong, Lu Sucai, Ke Meiyun et al, “Epidemiological Study/Research on Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Beijing (Region) - A Cluster, Stratified and Random Survey” [J], Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2000, 21(1): 26-29
3. Chao Guanqun, Lv Bin, Meng Lina et al, “Effect of Changyanning (Esoenteritis-Curing) Syrup on SRF Expressions of Viscera High Sensitive Rat Brain and medulla spinalis” [J], World Chinese Journal of Digestology, 2008, 16(16): 2112-2118
4. Li Jiliang, “50 IBS Cure Cases with Key Prescription for Aching Diarrhoea in Conjunction with Western medicines” [J], Shaanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2011, 32(1): 9-10
5. Hu Sumin, “Theoretical Discussion on liver-controlled dispersion and psychological stress” [J], Jiangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2003, 34(2): 12-13.
6. Cheng Yuhui, Han Mei, Wen Jinkun, “Effect of SM22α on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cytoskeleton and Contractile Function” [J], Chinese Journal of Cell Biology, 2003, 25(6): 384-388.

第3个回答  2013-02-02
1 Digestive Disease Branch of Chinese Medical Association of gastrointestinal dynamics group. The diagnosis and treatment of irritable bowel syndrome ( 2007 consensus, Changsha ) ( J ). Zhonghua Xiaohua Zazhi, 2008, 28 ( 1 ): 38-40.
2 Pan Guozong, Rusu Aya, Kami Oon, et al. Epidemiologic study of irritable bowel syndrome in Beijing : a cluster, stratified, random survey ( J ). Chinese Journal of epidemiology, 2000, 21 ( 1 ): 26-29.
3 Chao Guanqun, Lu Bin, Meng Lina, et al. Effect of Changyanning syrup ( J ) on visceral hypersensitivity rat brain, the expression of CRF in spinal cord. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2008, 16 ( 16 ): 2112-2118.
4 Li Jiliang. Tongxie Yaofang Decoction with western medicine in the treatment of 50 cases of irritable bowel syndrome ( J ). Shaanxi Journal of traditional Chinese medicine, 2011, 32 ( 1 ): 9- 10
Hu Sumin . Discussion on 5 ( liver and psychological stress J ). Jiangxi Journal of traditional Chinese medicine, 2003, 34 ( 2 ): 12-13.
6 Cheng Yun, Han Mei, Wen Jin-Kun .SM22 αeffects on the skeleton and the contraction of vascular smooth muscle cell function ( J ). The Journal of cell biology, 2003, 25 ( 6 ): 384-388

第4个回答  2013-02-06
The Chinese medical association digestion epidemiology branch committee gastrointestinal. Irritable bowel syndrome diagnosis and treatment of the consensus opinion
PanGuoZong, LuSuCai, ko beautiful cloud, etc. Beijing area irritable bowel syndrome, epidemiological studies: a cluster, stratified, random survey
ChaoGuanQun, LvBin, MengLiNa, etc. Enteritis ning syrup for visceral high sensitive rats, the influence of the spinal cord CRF expression .World Chinese digestion miscellaneous
ChaoGuanQun, LvBin, MengLiNa, etc. Enteritis ning syrup for visceral high sensitive rats, spinal cord CRF expression effect. The world Chinese digestion miscellaneous
ChaoGuanQun, LvBin, MengLiNa, etc. Enteritis ning syrup for visceral high sensitive rats, spinal cord CRF ChaoGuanQun, LvBin, MengLiNa, etc. Enteritis ning syrup for visceral high sensitive rats, spinal cord CRF expression effect. The world Chinese digestion miscellaneous
expression effect. The world Chinese digestion miscellaneous
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