

Unit 1Module 3 Book1 for Junior Students

Topic: There are 46 students inmy class
1. The new words in thispart;
2. “There be “ sentence structure.
Teaching aims:
1. To make good use of the words in thispart
2. To learn the usage of “There be “sentence structure.
3. To understand a short dialogue about school in listening.
4. To learn to love the nature and sports
Teaching difficulties:
Help thestudents to analyze the two articles and find out the similarities anddifferences between hiking and rafting.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1Revision
1. T (teacher): Before the class, I want toask you some questions.
1)Do you like traveling? And Why?
2)Do you like adventure travel?
3)Do you like hiking? Can you tell us something about hiking?
4)Do you know rafting? Can you tell us something about rafting
5)Which do you like better, hiking or rafting?
(Askindividual students to answer the questions above)
2. T (teacher): So, bothhiking and rafting are adventure travels. They are always done outdoors. Theyare fun and exciting. In order to get close to nature, people always go hikingand rafting. Today we are going to learn the differencesbetween hiking and rafting.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Now, open your books and turn to pageseventeen, read the Hiking and Rafting again, and find out the differencesbetween hiking and rafting.
2. Draw a form on the blackboard.
Step 3 Drill
(Have you found the answers? Now let’s dotogether.)
1. We know hiking is always on foot. Youmust take a long walking. So, we always go hiking on the mountains, in a forestor along a river. However, rafting is down on rivers and streams where thewater moves quickly.
(Fill the answer in the form)
2. Ok, let’s talk about the cost. Hiking isvery cheap while rafting is somewhat expensive.
(Fill the answer in the form)
3. And skills needed? From the book, we know if you want to gohiking, you must walk a long distance, so you must have good walking skills; ifyou want to go rafting, you must be careful not to fall into water, so you musthave good rafting and swimming skills. (Fill the answer in the form)
4. T: …
S: …
T: …
S: …
Step 4 Discussion
Ask the students to discuss the followingdifferences (equipment and possible skills) in groups of four. Think about whatwe should take and what possible dangers we may meet when we are going hikingand rafting, and tell the reasons to each other.
(At this time, I walk around the classroomto see what they are talking about.)
Step 5 Consolidation
Ask some students to tell us the answers andtheir reasons. Then ask them to write the answers on the blackboard.
Step 6 Homework
Ask students (Ss)to find out thesimilarities after class, and complete the form on Page 18. Leave some time forstudents to ask questions.

1. 教案要求用全英文撰写,既要注重语法的正确性、语言的流畅性,又要参照中学备课教学的规范要求,要注重课堂教学术语的有机运用;
2. 教案不仅要重点地突出本节课的教学重点、难点、考点(可用字体、字号加以区别),又要体现课堂教学环节、教学原则和学生的认知接受能力;
3. 教案要体现教者具备的教育学、心理学知识、外语教育教学思想、英语新课程理念。
第1个回答  2013-02-24
Unit 8 Adventure Warm-up Tapescript 1 Boy 1: I've been interested in ancient Egypt since I was small. There's something exciting about the country. I've got lots of books on Egypt and a couple of videos. Of course, I'd really love to go there. I've always dreamed of seeing the Pyramids. They look really great in photos. 2 Girl 1: I just love airplanes. I don't know why, but for me they're really exciting. I've been on planes lots of times and it always feels great, especially when you take off! It'd be great to be able to fly one. That's my dream – to fly! 3 Boy 2: I like watching travel programmes on television. There was a good series last year. The presenter went round the world visiting all the major capitals. I'd love to do that, you know, go to places like Paris, Sydney, Beijing. It would be a great experience. 4 Girl 2: I've always loved water, you know. The first time I got into a canoe was when I was about eight. But my dream is to go down the Amazon. It wouldn't be easy, but I think it'd be a real challenge. And just think of all the things you would see – the rain forest, the wildlife, small villages. 不要紧张,发挥最好,预祝成功!
第2个回答  2013-02-25



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