
The old adage “two minds are better than one” proves true for organizations that manage their project teams well. According to a new study conducted by the Center for Business Practices (CBP), the research arm of project management consultancy PM Solutions, high-performing organizations consistently use team best practices in all areas more than other organizations. It is especially important today that organizations have formal processes in place to select team members, orient team members with the task at hand and measure their performance. Furthermore, high-performing organizations often provide project teams with rewards and recognition for their performance rather than focusing on the individual’s efforts.
“The best practices that stood out in particular were around rewarding team performance from both the organization and the team members themselves,” said Jim Pennypacker, director of the CBP. “At the organizational level, top-down rewards are often not based on team performance, but rather the individual’s performance within the team. If project teams as a whole receive recognition and rewards for effective performance, it often drives their productivity and performance. And then also having internal rewards from team members, like they are working together and somebody does something that is especially noticeable and the team takes him or her out to dinner, buys him or her a box of chocolates or just stands them up at a meeting and points out his or her exceptional performance. These best practices can influence a team to operate better.”
Ideal recognition and rewards programs foster collaboration and should formally include team performance measures as well as individual performance assessments. Pennypacker said that an organization’s pay structure should support a team culture by rewarding team members for team results and acknowledging big and small team successes as well as individual team members’ achievements.
“Certainly, it can be done informally, but if rewards programs and other processes are done formally it is done more consistently and almost always done better,” Pennypacker said. “And formality doesn’t have to be onerous—you don’t have to go crazy, you don’t have to be too formal. You should do a systematic process. We actually look at eight measures of project and organizational performance: completed on time, completed on budget, the project customers are satisfied, resources allocated optimally, projects actually being aligned to strategies, an estimate on target, project employee is satisfied and the organization is working on the right project.”

这个古老的格言“两个头脑均优于一”证明属实的组织管理他们的项目团队。根据一项新的研究所进行的中心商业惯例( CBP的) ,研究机构的项目管理顾问时的解决方案,高效能的组织,坚持用团队的最佳做法在各个领域的多于其他组织。但是,重要的是今天表示,组织有正式的进程中的地方,选择团队成员,东方团队成员与手头的任务和措施,他们的工作表现。此外,高效能的组织,往往提供的项目小组,与奖励和表彰他们的业绩,而不是着眼于个人的努力。
“最好的做法,站出来,尤其是被周围的奖励团队绩效无论从组织和团队成员自己说: ”吉姆pennypacker ,主任,菲律宾中央银行。 “在组织水平,由上而下的奖励,往往不是基于团队的表现,而是个人的表现,内部的团队。如果项目小组作为一个整体得到承认和奖励,为有效履行,但往往驱动器它们的生产力和表现。然后也有内部的奖励,从团队成员一样,他们一起工作,有人做了,这一点尤其明显和球队需要他或她去饭店就餐,购买他或她一盒巧克力或刚站起来,在一次会议上并指出,他或她的特殊表现。这些最佳做法可以影响一个小组运作,更好“ 。
理想的承认和奖励计划促进合作,并应正式列入团队绩效的措施,以及个人的业绩评估。 pennypacker说,一个组织的薪酬结构应该支持团队文化奖励团队成员为团队的结果,并承认大和小团队的成就,以及个别小组成员的成就。
“当然,这是可以做到的非正式的,但如果奖励计划和其他进程所做的正式,这是做得更多,始终和几乎总是做的更好” , pennypacker说。 “和形式上的,并不一定要繁重的-你不用去疯了,你不须要过于正式。你应该做一个有系统的过程。其实我们看看8措施项目和组织绩效:完成对时间,完成了对财政预算案中,该项目的顾客满意,分配的资源优化,项目实际不结盟的战略,一估计的目标,项目的雇员感到满意和本组织是对工作权的项目“ 。



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