

  骆驼祥子 :最伟大的牺牲是忍辱,最伟大的忍辱是预备反抗。The greatest sacrifice is patience, patienc。愚蠢与残忍是这里的一些现象;所以愚蠢,所以残忍,却另有原因Stupid and cruel is here some phenomena; so stupid, so cruel, but for other reasons。体面的,要强的,好梦想的,利己的,个人的,健壮的,伟大的,祥子,不知陪着人家送了多少回殡;不知道何时何地会埋起他自己来,埋起这堕落的,自私的,不幸的,社会病胎里的产儿,个人主义的末路鬼Decent, strong, good dream, selfish, personal, robust, great, Xiangzi, I do not know how much to accompany people send funeral; do not know when and where will bury him, buried in this vicious, selfish, unfortunately, social disease in perinatal fetus in the end, a person 's ghost。

Memories of the past, I thought oneself then can be said to be a honeycomb. Every kind of knowledge and thought, as far as possible to be I sucked in, there is no lack of natural things, but I think that as long as the knowledge is honey!
" Good thing " gone, me and uncle Peter is better.
He also like my grandfather did, stem thin thin, short many, like a child dressed as a old man.
His face wrinkles eyes tired, but is very flexible, it is ridiculous.
His hair is light grey, take out the pipe was with his hair a color.
He spoke buzzing, full of witticisms, seemed to laugh at all the people.
Do you think I am an automaton? -- a machine without feelings? And can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my mouth, the drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little , I am soulless and heartless? -- you are not wrong? -- I have as much soul as you, my heart like you enrich! If God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I will make you the same as I am now cannot bear to part from each other, I am not according to custom, convention, nor even of mortal flesh to talk to you, but my spirit that addresses your spirit, as if the two of us had passed through the grave, stood at God's feet, each other equality -- originally so! "来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2013-02-17



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