《The American Cowboy》课文翻译。



The American cowboy was a great national hero through facts and stories.

In history, the real cowboy was a simple farm worker on horseback.He spent twelve to fourteen hours a day outdoors working with cows.The work was dirty, tiresome and not very well paid.In the winter, most cowboys had to find other jobs.They were seldom alone.Most of them worked in teams of eight to ten.

People could raise beef cattle at low cost in the western states and send them by train to the eastern markets.But someone had to look after the cattle on the open land and get them to the nearest railroad.This was the job of a cowboy.Sometimes the railroad was more than a thousand kilometers away and it could take as long as six months to move the cattle.The cowboy moved the cattle slowly so that the cattle would not lose weight.

Most cowboys were young, unmarried men.A cowboy's horse was his most important tool.A good horse made the job of moving cattle much easier.A good cowboy understood cows and knew how to control them.At night, he sang to the cows to keep them calm.

The cowboy quickly received popular praise.Historians say that was because the cowboy appeared during a time of change in American life.In the late 1800's, America was changing from a nation of farms to one of factories and cities.The cowboy seemed free and more independent than other Americans.








    In the past, the cowboy's work ________.[  ]

    A.was covered with dirtB.cost much laborC.was less paidD.All of the above 

2.Sometimes it took the cowboys ________ to move the beef cattle from the western states to the eastern markets.[  ]

A.a weekB.a monthC.half a yearD.a year    

3.The cowboy's important instrument in the past was the ________.[  ]


3.The cowboys quickly receive popular praise because they appeared ________.[  ]

A.in the western parts of the United StatesB.in the eastern markets every yearC.in the time of great changes in AmericaD.in the early 1800's    




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