
12. Mike likes football very much. My favourite h is swimming.
13. Working hard is the k to success.
14. She has gone to the cinema to see the m Harry Potter.
15. She likes animals and she keeps a dog as a p .
16. Many people can afford this kind of car. Its p is not high.
17. This kind of mobile phone is cheaper than last week. It’s on s .
18. We all know the s “ No pains, no gains!” It requires us to work hard.
19. He got on the bus and found a s to sit down.
20. Jay Chou is a famous s . He sings very well.
21. Linda is always happy and we can see a big s on her face often.
22. People use a s to send a letter.
23. I put some s into the coffee so that it tastes sweet.

12 hobby
13 key
14 movie
15 pet
16 price
17 sale
18 saying
19 seat
20 singer
21 smile
22 stamp
23 sugar




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