

Ⅵ 任务型阅读:阅读短文,根据所读内容在文章后图表中的空格里填入最恰当的单词(每空一词) Chinese parents are being urged to pay more attention to their children’s nutrition, after a study revealed that unscientific ways of feeding babies and a lack of trace elements(微量元素) are the two biggest threats to youngsters’ health. Experts drew these conclusions from a two-year study into the nutrition and health situation of children under six in ten cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.Started in 2003 by the China National Children’s Centre, the survey includes 8,043 children, equally divided between the sexes. It shows 37 percent of surveyed children have baby food earlier than the recommended age of four to six months old, with another 35 percent taking it later, which in return brings about a nutrition different as these children grow up. “Our children above four to six months old fall behind foreign children in terms of their physical well-being,” said Zhao Shunyi, head of the centre. She called on Chinese parents to pay more attention to their children’s nutrition after they stop breast-feeding at six months old.Trace elementsThe survey also shows more than half of the children above six months old are deficient in five trace elements which are crucial to their physical development—magnesium, copper, calcium, iron and zinc. “Lack of zinc will lead to low level of intelligence,” said Gou Xiaowei, vice-director of the National Centre for Child Nutrition Quality Supervision and Testing. “Parents had better choose baby food with plentiful trace elements, especially calcium, iron and zinc.”Zhao said the centre is urging the government to strengthen child food production management by revising related laws. “Child food producers should be advised to market products with rich trace elements.” said she.The centre plans to conduct a similar survey among rural children soon since a majority of the 367 million children in China live in rural areas. (3)__________percent of surveyed children start to have baby food before six months old. Only (4)__________ percent take it at the right age(1)_________ ways of feeding babies. Parents had better choose food that is (9)________ in trace elements. The government is strengthening child food production (10)__________ by revising related laws.Two biggest threats to youngsters’ healthThe difference in when to start having baby food leads to difference in (5)______.The best time to stop breast-feeding is at (6)______ months old.A (2)___________ of trace elementsMany children do not get enough of (7)________ trace elements. Lack of zinc will lead to low level of (8)___________ Key:I.单项选择:1---5: BCBAA 6-----10: AADBC 11----15: BDDBBII. 单词拼写:
1.virtual2.impressions3.thrilled4.Upon5.via6.delivered7.reality8.monitored 9.extraordinary10.happiness11.battle12.industry13.winning14.burn
15.fantastic III. 选词填空:
1.is responsible for2.were accused of3.(which is) set in4.was put forward 5.took the risk of 6.with the help of 7.Disappointed with8.voiced his opinion9.was passed on10.made an impression on
IV. 改写句子:1. develops 2. what 3. failure 4. knowledge 5. ruleV. 翻译句子:1.Not only did he lose his wealth, but also his freedom was limited.2.Upon arriving at the Paris, the world-famous film star was recognized by his fans.3.He took the risk of losing his life to save the children in the earthquake.4.All the tourists present were impressed by the beauty of the West Lake.5.The invention of television enables us to travel around the world without leaving home. VI. 任务型阅读:
1. Unscientific2. lack3. 374. 285. nutrition6. 67. 58. intelligence9. rich10. management
第1个回答  2013-07-03
Ⅰ单项选择:1. We have to __________ some practical measures. A. come out B. come up with C. come up D. come about2. ---You ________part in the party in time. ---Sorry, I was delayed by the accident. A. are supposed to take B. have supposed to take C. are supposed to have taken D. supposed to have take 3. The popular musician was asked ________ she should intend to be her partner in the next concert. A. what B. whom C. how D. when4. A plan has been put forward _______ from next month on electricity fee should be paid at the bank.A. that B. whether C. when D. where5. When I caught him cheating me, I stopped ____ things in his shop. A. buying B. buy C. to buy D. bought 6. The words of his old teacher left a ______ impression on his mind. He is till affected by them. A. lasting B. lively C. long D. real7. The woman is abnormal. Sometimes she is very _____ but sometimes she is really fierce.A. gentle B. terrible C. frightening D. fearful 8. A traffic accident happened on the highway, and a driver ______.A. may have hurt B. may be hurting C. may be hurt D. may have been hurt 9. An exhibition of paintings ____ at the museum next week.A. are to be held B. is to be held C. are holding D. will hold10. Every possible means ____, but none ____ successful.A. has tried; has proved B. tried; provesC. has been tried; proves D. is being tried; is proved11. When we see this kind of film, we can experience anything in the film, even feelings. Everyone will be surprised at _______ it feels.A. what real B. how real C. how really D. which really12. Letters _______ in the post office before they are sent out.A. sort B. be sorted C. are being sorted D. are sorted13. I know Fanning was closed down at the end of 2001, but ____ Fanning’s dream finally began to fade?A. How was it B. What was it that C. When was that D. When was it that14. Not only _____ to stay in from the rain. To his joy, he was invited to dinner with the host.A. did the stranger allow B. was the stranger allowed C. the stranger allowed D. the stranger was allowed15. Mr Green is said ____ an experiment to prove the new method of solving the problem when young. A. to do B. to have done C. to be doing D. to have been doing Ⅱ 单词拼写:.1. New technology has enabled development of an online “v_______________ library”,2. When it comes to job interviews, first i_______________ are important.3. He was t_______________ about being asked to play the leading role.4. U______________ entering the room she saw him.5. I can send him a note v_______________ the internal mail system.6. The mailman d_______________ the letters on time.7. The two football players seem like enemies on the field but in r___________ they are good friends.8. The nurse m_______________ the patient’s condition carefully.9. She was a truly _______________(非凡的) woman.10. I hope you will find true ________________(幸福).11. The _______________(战役) finally brought the war to an end.12. We need to develop the steel _______________(工业).13. It’s nice to be on the _______________(获胜的) side for a change.14. The wood was wet and would not _______________(燃烧).15. You look _______________(极好的) in that dress.Ⅲ 选用下列词组填空,必要时改变形式:be set in put forward take the risk of accuse of be disappointed with bring … under controlwith the help of voice one’s opinion make an impression on be responsible for pass on1. An engineer from Jiang Su_____________ this project now.2. Many IT workers______________ piracy of various softwares.3. The film____________ the mountainous area is popular with audience.4. He___________ as the best actress in International Film Festival.5. He_____________ being attacked by wild animals and stayed for the night in forest.6. The miners were finally rescued____________ first Aid Team.7. ________________ his disappointing daughter, the old man went away in silence.8. At the meeting, the sales manager_________ that he would like to see the product promoted.9. The Olympic torch______________ from one torch bearer to another.10. What he said at the conference_______________ the audience present.Ⅳ 改写句子:根据要求完成句子(单词和句子大多数来自课本)1. With the rapid development of science and technology, some of our wildest dreams could come true in the future. (填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致)As science ____________ rapidly in the direction of technology, some of our fantasies could become real in tomorrow’s world.2. However, with VR we are able to do some things that could never be achieved in real life.(填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致)However, VR enables us in some way to do __________ could never be achieved in real life.3. During the first few years, the company did not make a profit and Mr Bezos thought that his efforts would not pay off. (填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致)At the beginning, the company made no profit and in Mr Bezos’s mind all his efforts would end in _____. 4. She likes traveling and is quite familiar with many countries. (填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致)She is fond of traveling and has a wide _____________ of many countries.5. In the active voice, some verbs (such as see, find, make etc.) are followed by an object and a bare infinitive (without “to”). In the passive voice, we change the bare infinitive into the to-infinitive. e.g. I saw him go there. → He was seen to go there. (填入一词,完成下面的总结)A grammatic ____________ is given here about the changes between the active and passive voice.Ⅴ 翻译句子:1 他不仅失去了财富,他的自由也被限制了。(not only….but also)______________________________________________________________________2 一到达巴黎,那个世界文明的影星就被影迷认了出来。(upon doing)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3 他冒着生命危险去拯救地震中的小孩。(risk doing)______________________________________________________________________4 所有在场的游客都被西湖的美景打动了。(be impressed by)______________________________________________________________________5 电视的发明使我们能够足不出户就游览世界。(enable)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
第2个回答  2013-07-03
答案如下,还满意吗?谢谢采纳.高一英语知识点总结 单项选择题 ----How many hours’ _______ do you need? ----Eight hours. A. sleep B. asleep C. sleepy D. nap I _________ the door before I left my room this morning, but I forgot. A. ought to lock B. ought to have locked C. should lock D. should have locked Today the little Mary is_______ a new beautiful skirt. A. wearing B. having on C. putting on D. dressed Law will protect the girl taken ______ and sold by the abductor(诱拐者) A. up B. off C. on D. in Use an umbrella to _______ you from the rain. A. stop B. prevent C. keep D. protect It takes us _______ money to buy this new house. A. a number of B. a great deal of C. a great many D. a great deal Christmas is just _______ the corner A. much near B. almost C. around D. round All that I can do is to come _____ terms with my fate. A. out B. in C. to D. with Taiwan lies _____ the southeast of China. A. in B. on C. to D. off The work is of _______ important. A. very B. great C. quite D. special At present 38% of the Chinese population smoker ____ women. A. is B. are C. have D. has They can grow _____ danger from diseases. A. up B. off C. with D. without Her face gave her ______ when she told a lie. A. off B. away C. up D. out Be tough-minded, but tenderhearted, _____? A. will you B. isn’t it C. aren’t you D. are you He _____ his temper, but failed. A. managed to control B. tried to control C. tried controlling D. managed controlling I have been in the north for many years, so I ______ in Shenyang. A. am used to live B. am used to living C. used to live D. used to living It was not until he took off his dark glasses ______ I realized he was a film star. A. that B. when C. then D. did What you said is too much for her. It has ______ her deeply. A. harm B. hurt C. injured D. wounded The situations was ______ , people were _______ . A. danger; in danger B. dangerous; dangerous C. dangerous; in danger D. in danger; dangerous She stayed in bed for one month. Now she is working harder to _____ his lost time. A. make up for B. keep up with C. catch up with D. make use of The two books are the same ______ this one has answer key at the back. A. except B. besides C. except for D. except that The new leading group is made _______ seven officers. A. up of B. out of C. from D. into The recorder _______ me five hundred Yuan. A. cost B. worth C. spent D. paid His sister _____ a doctor for five years. A. has married B. has married with C. has been married to D. has got married The newly-built bridge _____ the beauty of the city A. is added to B. adds up to C. adds to D. adds up There are many _____ in the Primary School. A. woman teachers B. women teachers C. lady teachers D. ladies teachersE-mail, as well as telephones, _______ an important part in daily communication. A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play ______ other good students, the teacher thinks , Hank is ______ student. A. Compared with; a most satisfied B. Compared to; the most satisfied C. Comparing to; a more satisfying D. Compared with; a more satisfying ---______ will you stay in this city? ---At least a year. A. How much B. How far C. How often D. How long ______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose He has two English-Chinese dictionaries, _______ were bought last year. A. two of them B. both of which C. of which two D. both of them ----I ____ all of you a pleasant weekend. ----Thank you. The same to you. A. hope B. wish C. expect D. want He might not come this evening. _______, we won’t have the party. A. In that case B. In any case C. In case D. In case of They will have a(n) ______ concert broadcast on TV to collect money for ____ things. A. living; alive B. alive; live C. live; alive D. live; living --- There is coffee and tea; you can have ______. ----Thanks. A. either B. each C. one D. it Remember to put the book where it _______. A. is belonged B. is belonged to C. belongs D. belongs to The Kind of apples tastes ______ and sells _____. A. well; well B. good; good C. good; well D. well; good ______ I had expected, the number of the workers was over one hundred A. As B. Which C. Whom D. That Every year, farmers have to______more pigs, sheep and _______ to support themselves. A. rise; cattle B. raise; cattle C. rise; cattles D. raise; cattles ----Hello, may I speak to Li Ping? ----Yes, ______. A. my name is Li Ping B. I am Li Ping



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