What do you think is more important for a university student, knowledge or practical skills? Why?


English is a very important tool nowadays
English is playing a more and more important role in our life.Now,we begin to leanr English in primary schools,even in nursery schools.Why?Why we spend so much time learning it?Maybe you say I have to take English exam if I want to enter into a famous university.But this is not all.Englis is a very import tool nowadays.
First of all, As we know,English is the most widely used in the world,English is an internation language,and it's spoken by more than several hundred million people as thier first language.With the development of the globalization,our world is becoming more and more smaller.If we visit other courtries without knowledge of English,you will get into trouble.For example, you can not find washroom when you go window-shopping if you cant communicate with other people.English is official language. Most of the public places are marked by two languages,one is your local language, the other one is English.As long as you understand English,your life will become very convenient.
Secondly,in universities,if you want to do some research in some way,you must read many English papers.Because most of the lastest research are published in English.When you graduate form school and begin to find jobs,you will stand a good chance of finding a good job.Because every company will team with other foreign companies, English is a tool which both sides use to communicate with each other in in many occasions such as internatinal meetings, business negotiations and so forth.Of course the boss hope all the employees can speak English.so,the chance will be high if you know English.
Last,we can enjoy a better life if we know English.Hollywood files are famous all of the world.Seeing the original files will give you a better feel than seeing ones translated by local language.Reading original edition novels will be more insteresing because many elements will lose after the novels are translated into local language.
In a word,English is playing more and more important role in our life and becoming a very important tool nowadays.Learning it well, you will find that your life becomes convenient.
第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-19
What do you think is more important for a university student, knowledge or practical skills? Why?


你认为对一个大学生而言什么更重要 知识还是实践能力?为什么?本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-06-26
第3个回答  2013-06-26
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asking for other people to write an essay,does that constitute plagiarism if submitting the same essay?



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