
他正在向老师解释她为什么迟到She ___ ____ ____ the teacher ____ she was late
他的计划是去泰山郊游His plan is ____ ____ ____ a field trip to Mount Tai
如果你们不按顺序排队,将会引起麻烦If you make a ___ ___,you will make trouble
我们的教室是他们的两倍大Our classroom is two___ ____ ____ ____theirs
众所周知台湾是中国领土的一部分____ well-known ___ Taiwan is a part of China
他以一首流行歌曲结束了他的演讲He___________ a pop song
我迟到的是由于下大雪的缘故I was late __________ the heavy snow
他很快就能够用英语讲那个故事He'll_________tell the story in English soon
我的女儿在十几岁时就会表演芭蕾舞My daughter could perform ballet_____
他的发言使同学们振奋起来,他们决定以后更加努力学习His speech _________all the students.They decided to work harder later on
他不知道如何处理这些旧书He didn't know how ________ the old books
他爷爷喜欢京剧,有时他在晚会上表演His grandpa likes Beijing Oprea,and sometimes he can _______it at the party
你能使那个激动的孩子镇定下来吗?Could you please__________the excited boy?
别打扰他,否则他就不能算出那道数学题了Don't trouble him,or he will not be able to _____the math problem
京剧深受全中国人喜爱Beijing Oprea is very________ the people all over China
这周末为什么不与我一起去郊游?Why not ________with me on weekend?
人越来越多了,那男孩设法挤出人群The crowd were larger and larger.The boy tried________the crowd
我很久没见到我的朋友了,希望能尽快收到他的来信I didn't see my friend for a long time,and I hoped_______ him soon
你想在全班同学面前发言吗?Would you like __________ in front of the class?
The guidebook w______against walking along at night
Mr.Wang is a doctor with e____ of 20 years
Mr.Green was so angry that he r_____ to accept anyone else's advice
My daughter likes eating b___ with vegetables
We s____ the customers with many kinds of cookies in our restaurant
Wang Nan is a s___ ping-pong player.She got many gold medals
On the food festival,there are many kinds of delicious foods on s____
You should make more e___ on your work
Be careful! The car n___hurt you
He was so tired that he could h___ go on walking
I'm looking forward to r____ your letter
There are many p___ in the railway station every day
Dumplings are t__food ofChina
I want to buy a p____ computer.It's helpful to my study
Tom is not pleased with his bad exam r___ at school
The doctor keeps a r___ of all the serious illnesses in the village
There is s___ who wants to talk with you
There re many apple trees o___my house

She (was explaining to) the teacher (why) she was late.
His plan is (to go for) a field trip to Mount Tai.
If you make a (jump queue), you will make trouble.
Our classroom is two (times as large as) theirs.
(It’s) well-known (that) Taiwan is a part of China.

He (ended his speech with) a pop song.
I was late (because of) the heavy snow.
He'll (be able to) tell the story in English soon.
My daughter could perform ballet (at the age of teens).
His speech (cheered up) all the students. They decided to work harder later on
He didn't know how (to take order with) the old books.
His grandpa likes Beijing Opera, and sometimes he can (perform) it at the party
Could you please (calm down) the excited boy?
Don't trouble him, or he will not be able to (work out) the math problem.
Beijing Opera is very (popular with) the people all over China.
Why not (go for an outing) with me on weekend?
The crowd were larger and larger. The boy tried (to pile out) the crowd.
I didn't see my friend for a long time, and I hoped (hear from) him soon.
Would you like (make a speech) in front of the class?

The guidebook (warns) against walking along at night.
Mr. Wang is a doctor with (entirety) of 20 years.
Mr. Green was so angry that he (refused) to accept anyone else's advice.
My daughter likes eating (breakfast) with vegetables.
We (serve) the customers with many kinds of cookies in our restaurant.
Wang Nan is a (super) ping-pong player. She got many gold medals.
On the food festival, there are many kinds of delicious foods on (sale).
You should make more (efforts) on your work.
Be careful! The car (nearly) hurt you.
He was so tired that he could (hardly) go on walking.
I'm looking forward to (receiving) your letter.
There are many (passengers) in the railway station every day.
Dumplings are (traditional) food of China.
I want to buy a (personal) computer. It's helpful to my study.
Tom is not pleased with his bad exam (result) at school.
The doctor keeps a (return-visit) of all the serious illnesses in the village.
There is (someone) who wants to talk with you.
There’re many apple trees (outside) my house.
第1个回答  2013-07-05


第2个回答  2013-07-05
She 【is】【explaining】【to】the teacher 【why】 she was late.
His plan is 【to】【go】【for】a field trip to Mount Tai.
If you make a 【queue】【jumping】,you will make trouble.
Our classroom is two 【times】【as】【large】【as】theirs
【it's】 well-known 【that】Taiwan is a part of China

He ended his speech by a pop song.
I was late because of the heavy snow.
He'll be able to tell the story in English soon.
My daughter could perform ballet when she was a teenager.
His speech cheered up all the students.They decided to work harder later on.
He didn't know how to deal with the old books
His grandpa likes Beijing Oprea,and sometimes he can perform it at the party.
Could you please calm down the excited boy?
Don't trouble him,or he will not be able to come up with the math problem.
Beijing Oprea is very welcomed by the people all over China.
Why not go and have a trip with me on weekend?
The crowd were larger and larger.The boy tried to get rid of the crowd.
I didn't see my friend for a long time,and I hoped to get the letter of him soon.
Would you like to give a speech in front of the class?

The guidebook 【warns】against walking along at night
Mr.Wang is a doctor with 【experience】 of 20 years
Mr.Green was so angry that he 【refused】 to accept anyone else's advice
My daughter likes eating 【breakfast】 with vegetables
We 【serve】 the customers with many kinds of cookies in our restaurant
Wang Nan is a 【super】 ping-pong player.She got many gold medals
On the food festival,there are many kinds of delicious foods on 【service】
You should make more 【effort】 on your work
Be careful! The car 【nearly】hurt you
He was so tired that he could 【hardly】 go on walking
I'm looking forward to 【receive】 your letter
There are many 【passengers】 in the railway station every day
Dumplings are 【traditional】food ofChina
I want to buy a 【personal】 computer.It's helpful to my study
Tom is not pleased with his bad exam 【results】 at school
The doctor keeps a 【report】 of all the serious illnesses in the village
There is 【secret】 who wants to talk with you
There're many apple trees 【on】my house追问




第3个回答  2020-12-19


第4个回答  2013-07-05

会么~ 我以前比这还多呢



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