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On Saturday, September 22nd, 2007, China will hold its first annual “No Car Day”. This is a nationwide movement to promote environmental health, and alleviate gridlock. The citizens of 108 cities will be expected to walk, ride bicycles, or take public transportation. The Ministry of Construction is sponsoring the effort, and will ban the use of government owned vehicles in some cities, on that day.

2007年9月22日星期六,中国将举行它的首次年度 “无车日”。这是一个全国性的运动目的是为了促进环境健康和减轻交通堵塞。108个城市的居民将被期待以步行,骑自行车或乘坐公共交通工具的方式出行。建设部发起了这次活动,并将于无车日当天在一些城市禁止政府用车。

China’s auto industry has grown rapidly. Cities have become terribly congested with cars. The road systems are inadequate, having been built for much lighter use. Until about 10-15 years ago, most Chinese citizens rode bicycles or walked. Even with the high cost of license plates, car sales are booming. The national government is concerned about the additional pollution caused by all these automobiles.

中国的汽车工业发展迅速。城市交通已变得极其拥挤。被建来为少得多的交通流量服务的道路系统,现在不够用了。 直到10到15年前,大多数中国居民都还是骑自行车或者步行。而现在尽管汽车牌照价格昂贵,小汽车销量却在迅速增长。国家政府开始为由这些车辆造成的额外污染感到焦虑。

Auto emissions are Beijing’s biggest cause of polluted air. In preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing is participating in “No Car Day” as part of its effort to achieve at least 240 “Blue Sky Days” annually. “Blue Sky Days” are days of fairly good air quality, which are needed for the athletic competitions. “No Car Day” will test how auto congestion and pollution might be minimized during the Olympics and beyond.

汽车尾气排放是北京空气污染的最大原因。正在为2008年奥运会作准备的北京加入了无车日活动,这一举动是为了达到每年至少240个“蓝天日”的目标所作出努力的一部分。“蓝天日”是指运动员比赛所必需的空气质量良好的日子。“无车日”将测试出交通堵塞和污染如何能在奥运期间以及将来被减少到最低程度。 China's 108 cities in the implementation of a car-free 9.22, the government called on the public to choose walking, cycling, bus travel, reduce car use. Car-free day, save fuel 33 million health, reducing harmful gas emissions 3,000 tons, making a tremendous contribution to environmental protection. If the government will provide the public fast, comfortable, cheap public transport, people will naturally choose it. The original car-free day will continue. This is the basic content for 100 words about high school level




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