用start to do sth造句(10句)


They start to work.
He starts to get up at 7:00.
I start to have breakfast at 7:00.
He started to cry.
She started to laugh.
Mum started to work.
She started to listen the music.
I started to watch TV.
He started to reading the book.
John then unlocked the front door and I started to follow him up the stairs.
第1个回答  2015-07-27
I started to learn drawing two years ago.
第2个回答  2015-07-30
目前 联想G50系列 主要分【G50-70AT和G50-70MA 两种型号 价格基本在3000~4000左右居多】【显卡是:N卡的GT820M 或者 A卡R5-230M 游戏性能基本一样(相当于台式机 GT610~GT620)属于低端显卡 一般运行2011年之前出的游戏百分之97都可以流畅 例如《极品14~15》《使命7~8》系列之前都没问题】本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2015-07-27
I start to sing追答

I start to read a book

I start to go to school

I start to do homework

I start to wash my clothes

I start to make dinner

I start to clean the room

I start to take care of my sister

I start to play computer game

I start to eat breakfast



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