

Now people face various pressures, some from the work,some from the family, and the young man about the house pressure and so on, through their movement.Music, regular and friends to release their own. I used to see some spiritual books in the night time, or to walk in the open air to release your pressure, let oneself have a better state of mind to meet tomorrow
第1个回答  2013-07-13
Now, there are various pressures in our lifes, such as:work, amily, and the pressure from house for young people , they through sports, Music and have a party with friends release themself on a regular.
I used to reading books about soul at night, or take a walk in the field to release my pressure, Let me have a better state of mind to greet tomorrow
第2个回答  2013-07-13
Nowaday, the pressure what people are confronting is that derive from family , loan of estate-purchasing and stuff. However , they would totally release by sports and some kind of periodical parties.
I get used to read some books about psychology in the night and hang around in the open air. That not only releases my pressure and creates a more active attitude to make better life.

第3个回答  2013-07-13
there are a lot of pressures around us, such as work, family and house etc, so some of people use some ways to relax, such as listening music, do sports or have parties with friends termly.

I very like reading some spiritual books at night, also enjoy walking in outdoors to relax. and I will have a good moods to face a new day.
第4个回答  2013-07-13
Nowdays people face various pressure, some are from work, family, some are from buying houses, etc. They try to release the pressure by doing sports, listening to music, having fun with friends.
I am used to reading some spiritual books at night, or walking to the suburb to release my pressure, so as to get a more possitive mood for the future life.
第5个回答  2013-07-13
People now facing pressures from work from home, there is pressure on the House of young people, who, through movement, music, get together with friends on a regular basis to free itself.

I used at night when some spiritual books, take a walk or go to the field, to release its pressure, let yourself have a better frame of mind to face tomorrow





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