为什么英语作文这么难?问题:假如你是蓝天大酒店(Blue Sky Hotel)的一名工作人员,介绍酒店情况(60...

为什么英语作文这么难?问题:假如你是蓝天大酒店(Blue Sky Hotel)的一名工作人员,介绍酒店情况(60-80词)
五星级(5-star)酒店,建于1995年,位于(SAM'S CLUB)左边,靠近江边,离市中心10分钟车程,乘5路和20路公交车可到,房间里有电视,电脑,电话,空调设备。24小时供应热水,有购物中心,咖啡吧,免费的游戏池。(这是英语作文)谢!

hello i am from blue sky hotel ,let meintroduce something about it ,i believe you will choose us'
it is 5-star and was build on1995,the history is very long, it is on the left of sans club ,it is beside the river so you can get the best scenery。
you can get a bus to go there for 10min from the centre of the city,there is no5 and no20bus to choose ,all in all ,the transportation is very convinent,
there is best service in our rooms。we provide the television telephone computer and air conditioner ,hot water for 24h is also necessary
if you fee bored ,there you can go the shopping centre the cafe bar and the game pool for free
how do you think of it ?come and go to bluesky!
第1个回答  2013-07-29



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