
本论文从特质流派的主要理论家对人格心理学的贡献着眼,分析他们的研究发现是人如何推动心理学的发展的。奥尔波特是人格心理学的先驱。他重视人格的个体性,他的特质理论直接从个体本身行为的特点出发探讨人格问题,这就使心理学家有可能将研究对象的各种变量于操作程序之中,解决了心理学中长期以来对人格研究只作描述和讲解的困境。这种探讨使他运用客观观察、主观问卷等方法,在具有一定的客观性上,直接从量上了解和研究个体本身的行为特点,以区分人与人之间的人格差异。他用纸-笔测验对支配-顺从和价值类型的测试,至今仍被广泛使用。卡特尔使用奥尔波特和奥波特的形容词表作为他的研究起点,想要揭示出一些数量适宜的、基本的特质维度。通过研究,他提出了人类人格的16 因素。艾森克根据人格测验的数据推出三个范围很广的维度:外向性(内源导向性的或外源导向性的),神经质(情绪稳定的或情绪不稳定的),精神质(善良的、体贴的或有攻击性的、反社会的)。


Does the present paper focus from the special characteristic school's main theoretician to the personality psychology's contribution, how analyzes their research discovery is the human impels the psychology the development. Allport is the personality psychology pioneer. He takes the personality the individual, his special characteristic theory embarks directly from the individual itself behavior's characteristic the discussion personality question, this will enable the psychologist to have the possibility object of study each kind of variable in the operation sequence, since has solved the psychology medium and long-term only to make the description and the explanation difficult position to the personality research. This kind of discussion causes him to utilize objective methods and so on observation, subjective questionnaire, in has in certain objectivity, on the direct specific understanding and the research individual's behavior characteristic, differentiates between the person and person's personality difference. He uses the paper - pen examination to control - obeys with the value type test, until now widely was still used. Cartel uses Allport and the Austria baud described that the vocabulary takes his research beginning, the wish promulgates some quantity being suitable, the basic special characteristic dimension. Through the research, he proposed the human personality 16 factors. Eysenck promotes three scope very broad dimensions according to personality test's data: Extroversion (endogene orienting or extraneous source orienting), nervous (mood stable or mood unstable), the energetic nature (good, sympathizes or has, counter-society aggressively).




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