

Theory comes from practice and practice on a guiding role. In China the rule of law in the process, the rule of law has become an inevitable trend. China's building of the rule of law in these years has made gratifying achievements, but also has its own characteristics. Contemporary China's rule of law concept is on the socialist rule of law and beliefs, concepts and ideas. Establish the "rule of law and law enforcement for the people, equality, justice, serving the overall situation, the party's leadership" as the basic contents of the socialist concept of rule of law, bound to China's rule of law to promote the breadth and depth to provide spiritual impetus. So construct a modern concept of the rule of law, the legal system in China to achieve modernization and the building of the rule of law is of great significance.
第1个回答  2012-03-11
heory is based on practice and practice guidance to produce. In our country's law construction process, the rule of law has become an inevitable trend. The rule of law in our country the construction over the years have made gratifying achievements, also have their own characteristics. Contemporary China is about the idea of rule of rule of law of socialism faith, concepts and ideas. Set up the "law and the law enforcement for people, fairness and justice, serve the, the party's leadership" as the basic contents of the socialist concept of rule by law, and it will bring the rule of law in our country the construction to provide the breadth and depth of spiritual power. Therefore, to build the modern idea of rule, for our country to realize legal system modernization construction and national law has important significance.



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