
敬请贵公司惠寄我们一册“永久牌”自行车的目录和最新价目表。我们对男式和女式自行车均感兴趣。本市骑自行车很流行,所以需要大量自行车。因汽油昂贵,很可能越来越多的人将用自行车来取代汽车。倘若贵公司的自行车质量令人满意并且价格有竞争性,我们将经常大量订货。早复为盼。 非常感谢!!!

敬请贵公司惠寄我们一册“永久牌”自行车的目录和最新价目表。我们对男式和女式自行车均感兴趣。Please send us the catalogue and the latest price list of your product "Forever". And we are intersted both bicycle for man and woman.本市骑自行车很流行,所以需要大量自行车。因汽油昂贵,很可能越来越多的人将用自行车来取代汽车。倘若贵公司的自行车质量令人满意并且价格有竞争性,我们将经常大量订货。早复为盼。Using bicycle is a fashion in our city, so the amount is rising recently. Additionnally with the high price of gas oil, more and more people will use bicycle to replace car. If you offer a competitive price and high quality, we will order a lot later.Waiting for your reply.
第1个回答  2013-07-24
Please send us your company a book "forever" bicycle directory and our latest price list. Our men and women of all interested in bicycle.This bike is very popular, so need lots of bikes. For gasoline is expensive, probably, more and more people will use the bicycle to replace the car. If your company's bicycle quality satisfactory and prices are competitive, we will often to place a large order.Early reply.




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