

.白鳍豚:别名白暨、白鳍豚,属于喙豚科,学名为Lipotes vexillifer Miller,属于鲸目(Cetacea),白暨豚科。识别特点为:吻突狭长,长约300毫米。额部圆而隆起。背鳍三角形,位于身体的3/5处,有低皮肤脊与尾鳍相连。头顶的偏左侧有一个能启闭自如的呼吸孔。尾鳍水平向,向缘凹入呈新月形。白暨豚种群数量很小,为我国特有的珍稀水生兽类,亟待加强保护。. 产于长江中下游湖北、安徽、江苏段的干流之中。它们大约在长江生活了2500万年,有“活化石”的美称。由于数量奇少,被列为中国一级保护野生动物。
第1个回答  2013-08-02
第2个回答  2013-08-02
第3个回答  2013-08-02
The our country is in imminent danger animal to distribute a big country.According to incompletely statistics, only be included in<<be in imminent danger wild move a plant to grow an international trade convention>>animal in be in imminent danger of at first being produce in of the appendix China have 120 variety<point an original habitat at China of species>.Be included in<<national wildlife of the point protection record>of have 257 kinds, be included in<<China be in imminent danger the animal red skin book>>of birds, amphibious type, crawl along type and fish to contain 400 kinds, be included in each province, autonomous region, direct jurisdiction city point protection the wildlife record of still have results to show 100 up to thousand.Along with economy of keep on to quickly develop with ecosystem environment of worsen day by day, our country be in imminent danger animal category will also increase.
The reform open, the our country imported not a few animals, such as:Gulf crocodile, the food crab monkey, chimpanzee, African elephant etc., these are foreignly in imminent danger animal and also be subjected to a national point protection.As for the our country actually has how much kind is in imminent danger animal to hard to say green, but can affirm, if include have no the words of vertebrates have 1000 kinds at least!.
Hide Ling
Hide the Ling(Pantholops hodgsoni) belongs to a cow section and hide Ling to belong to, nickname:Hide an antelope, long Cape sheep, antelope, mainly distribute in three province areas in Qing Lake, Tibet, Xinjiang in China, existing kinds amount invite in 7-100,000.Because hide Ling to specially dwell for rest environment and living temperament, currently whole world didn't°yet a zoo or other place artificials once fed to hide Ling, and for living temperament etc. of this species relevant of science research the work also open an exhibition very few.
Gold silk monkey
The gold silk monkey is a Chinese Ⅰ class protection animal and is be included in to be in imminent danger wild move a plant to grow the international trade convention appendix Ⅱ .Scientific term:Pygathrix roxellanae; English:Snub-nosed Monkey.
Giant panda
The giant panda belongs to the monster key link carnivorous section giant panda of the eyes giant panda to belong to.Sichuan, sweet Su, Xia west which produces in China. Belong to a nation one class protection the animal be the world class precious species.



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