

So shall is be. 理应如此
丛林守护者- (英雄,城镇中心)
- I must safegaurd the land! 保护大地是我的职责。
- Is there danger? 有险情吗?
- Command me. 命令我吧
- Who threatens the wilds? 谁在威胁着大自然?
- The time is now. 就是现在
- Nature is restless. 大自然永不宁静
- [自然之触] Everything I touch dies or comes back to life! 我的触碰带来死亡和再生!
- [扼死藤] This should weed out a few! 这些杂草应该清除
- [荆棘] You mess with the branch, you get the thorns! 你跟树枝战斗,就得面对荆棘。
- [宁静] The calm, before the storm. 暴风雨前的宁静
- By the spirits! 以精灵们的力量!
- For Calendor! 为了Kalimdor!
- Well, there it is. 好,在那边
- So shall is be. 理应如此
- Naturally. 自然而然
- My father was mounted over someone''s fireplace. 我父亲是画在壁炉上方的座骑
- Feel natural, nature''s way. 感受大自然的自然
- Don''t let the doe hit you on the way out! 那些母鹿要来扁你了
- When I Attack, part 3. 当我攻击时,第3部分
- Free rides for the ladies MM免费骑哦
- Heard up! 收到!
- [.vs 英雄] Smite the defilers of the land! 给污染者以致命一击!
- Feel nature''s wrath! 感受自然的愤怒!
- Death to all defilers! 污染者,受死!
- None shall harm the wilds! 没有人可以伤害大自然!
第1个回答  2013-08-05
大法师-This had better be worth it. 这样做最好值得.
山丘之王-Alright, who wants some? 好吧,谁想来试试?
圣骑士-I live to serve all believers. 我为服务信徒而生.
血法师-Burning to avenge.复仇在燃烧.
剑圣-I obey the six vengance.我遵守六个复仇.
先知-The future is ours.未来属于我们.
牛头人酋长-I have an axe to grind.我有把斧子要磨.
暗影猎手-Want to see something' real scary? 想来点真正让人惊慌的玩意儿?
死亡骑士-The pact is sealed. 契约已订.
恐惧之王-The night beckons. 夜在召唤.
巫妖-The ancient evil survives. 远古邪恶生还了.
地穴领主-From the depths I come.我从深渊而来.
恶魔猎手-At last, we shall have revenge. 终于,我们可以报仇了.
丛林守护者-I must safegaurd the land.保护大地是我的职责.
月亮女祭祀-Warriors of the night, assemble!.夜之战士们,集结起来.
守望者-My prey is near.我的猎物就在附近.
熊猫酿酒师-Fresh, cool ale here.有新鲜凉爽的啤酒.
黑暗游侠-Im here. As always.我在这,总是.
深渊领主-I come from the darkness of the pit.我来自黑暗深渊.
火焰领主-You`re `ere I live.你来了,我便得到了生命.
炼金术士-Care for a cocktail? 想要马尾酒吗?
兽王-I'm ready to track.我准备好追踪了.
地精修补匠-I'm all geared up.我武装好了.
娜加海巫-Our will shall be done.我们的愿望会实现.
第2个回答  2013-08-05
应该是So ,shall is be. -理应如此



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