the active part of humour 题目 别墨迹 直接写上 分是小意思#11 4.30来验收 50分本人水平5年级的要120字

the active part of humour 为题目 给我来个作文 写一篇幽默的好处.要求:1在社会交往中幽默体现的个性 2幽默使人健康,快乐⊥101[2/2],评议近人 3幽默使人进步,可使社会关系更融洽

1.umor has become one of the most attractive characteristics a successful person must have nowadays, not only because it can bring laughter and happiness to people, but also because it shows a man's a bility.A little joke can easily remove an unpleasant conflict, change the talking atmosphere and make it harmonious. Under such circum stances, businessmen can make a big deal and politicians can sign an agreement, which are good bases for future cooperation.
Some humor enables people to feel bitterness from laughs, which we call "cold humor" or "black humor". At this time, humor is like a sharp sword, which may pierce people's heart. People may wipe sadtears after laughing and contemplate after the shock given by the story. It often appears in movies and novels.
Humor plays a great role on some important occasions, when a person, especially a great one, is judged from such a capacity. It can help leaders to point out. shortcomings or wrong behavior of his subordinates, without letting them feel embarrassed. So sometimes we also regard it as a certain kind of art. Humor is important in everyone's life, whoever he is. Because you can deal with all kinds of embarrassing occaslon with this special skill. Why not enrich your knowledge and become a man with a good sense of humor?
What is humor? It is not the performances of a clown who attempts to entertain others, nor is it simply making fun of others. Humor is the wisdom and resourcefulness that can alleviate an awkward situation. Life inevitably brings disappointments, setbacks, and failures. If our endurance in the midst of frustrations is not sound, anxiety and panic can overtake us. If one has a sense of humor, however, one can mentally adapt to the changing conditions in a wise and healthy manner. Humor can reduce distress and unhappiness by creating a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. While stiff expressions make others uncomfortable, smiles and wit can soften anger, relieve depression, and comfort a broken heart. Humor can foster better communication and understanding, and therefore not only brings happiness to oneself, but also, and perhaps more importantly, gratifies others. A sense of humor can certainly increase one's popularity. Humor can clearly be of much help to our work, study, and life as it is beneficial to our physical and mental health. Not everyone one has an innate sense of humor, however. A sense of humor is usually acquired in relation to others. In order to develop a sense of humor, one must have an open mind and the ability to deal with unpleasant events and people. Humor also requires a broad spectrum of knowledge and optimistic thinking.译文:什么是幽默?它不是小丑企图取悦别人的表演,也不仅仅是拿别人来寻开心。幽默是缓和尴尬局面的智慧和机智。生活中避免不了失望、挫折和失败,如果我们承受挫折的忍耐力不够,焦虑和恐慌就会主导我们的身心。但如果一个人有幽默感,他就能用一种明智而健康的方式在心理上适应变化的环境。</p><p>幽默通过创造一种愉快而友好的气氛来减轻不幸和苦恼。僵硬的表达让别人不舒服,微笑和机智却能熄灭怒火、减轻沮丧、抚慰绝望。幽默能促进更好的沟通和理解,因而不仅把快乐带给自身,而且更重要的还能让别人感到高兴。幽默感确实能提高一个人受欢迎的程度。因为幽默有益于我们的身心健康,所以对我们的生活、工作、学习无疑都大有帮助。但没有人是生来就有幽默感的。幽默感通常是在人际交往中形成的。为了培养幽默感,一个人必须有开放的心胸和接受不愉快的事物的能力。幽默还需要有宽广的知识面和乐观的心态。
3.A sense of humor is universally considered the most valuable asset in our personality. It is born within every person's heart, but it has to be cultivated.A person without a sense of humor is just like a spring without flowers or a dish without seasoning. In a sense, your personality lies in your sense of humor.
Humor can enhance physical as well as mental well being. It helps us bare our burdens, reduce tension, helps us overcome our frustrations, relax our muscles, and dissolve countless trifles and irritations offered by day to day life. With the cracking of a joke, all of our worries and sadness disappear like mist and we are full of vigor once again. Besides, humor helps us live in harmony with others. With it you can always stay on good terms with others.<p>One way to cultivate a sense of humor is to have a wide range of knowledge about many topics so that the slightest differences in meaning of a joke can be fully understood; otherwise we would be simply at a loss in such a situation. Another crucial point in developing a sense of humor is to have a rich imagination. Nothing can be worse than the lack of imagination to kill an otherwise funny joke.</p><p>A sense of humor is one of the ways in which we relax and recreate ourselves. The things we find humorous may vary, but to have a sense of humor is very important and should be cultivated to get the most out of life.译文:幽默感被公认为是人的性格中最有价值的私有财产。它是与生俱来的,但也需要后天的培养。一个人如果没有幽默感就像春天没有花朵,一盘菜没有调料。从某种意义来说,你的个性来自于你的幽默感。幽默能够提高我们的身心素质。它能够帮助我们减轻压力、缓解紧张、笑对挫折、放松身体、化解日常生活中的琐事和愤怒,它能化干戈为玉帛。随着一声玩笑,所有的苦恼、悲伤和疲劳都会烟消云散,让我们再次充满了生机和活力。此外,幽默还有助于我们与他人和睦相处。有了它,你就会时常与他人保持良好关系。培养幽默感的一个途径是众多的话题都要有广博的知识,往往幽默是在细微之处见精神,只有拥有广博的知识才能懂得幽默;否则,我们在面对别人的幽默时就会不知所措。另外,培养幽默感时,同样关键的一点是要有丰富的想象力。缺乏想象力则会置幽默于死地。幽默感是我们放松和娱乐的途径之一。 幽默可能因事而异,但至关重要的是要有幽默感,而且应该积极培养之,以期生活更加丰富多彩。



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