
This paper reports on an analytical investigation into the energy saving potential associated with modified comfort limits in transitional spaces in buildings. Such spaces may not require the same high level and close environmental control of more fully occupied spaces and thus a wider variation in conditions and interpretation of thermal comfort may be permitted. Estimations are made of energy saving potential based upon typical floor area proportions utilised for transition spaces of various types in office/commercial buildings. The data are combined with suggested norms for comfort expectation that have wider temperature limits than for normally occupied office zones. The method has been applied to a series of building types situated in the climate of the East Pennines area of the UK using a thermal analysis tool. The results show that useful energy savings (particularly for heating) are possible by allowing for a modest (and realistic) relaxation of prescribed comfort standards in transition spaces.
Further work is now required to confirm the limits and assess energy saving in practice.
1. Introduction
Transition spaces in buildings (including such areas as foyers, lobbies, certain atria and ancillary spaces not directly occupied in relation to the activity of the building) pose an interesting and fruitful area for comfort research. Entrance and transition areas of buildings are often perceived as some of the most important in architectural design terms since they also impact on a wide range of senses and perceptions of human occupants; have an important role in control of circulation; and are often associated with some of the longer lasting impressions that occupants or visitors have of the building.
It is suggested in this paper that such spaces, whilst being important, do not require the fine control of temperature or comfort limits associated with the principal areas of a building; and that they can also be actively designed to modify the experience and expectation of persons moving through them.
Opportunities exist for such areas to be provided with environmental conditions lying someway between internal and external conditions. This may offer benefits such as reduction of thermal shock for occupants moving into and out of spaces as well as modifying comfort expectations. An additional consideration is that such spaces are often located at the perimeters of buildings; frequently have large areas of glazing; and also experience significant air exchange with the outside environment. As such they may generally require considerably higher levels of building services provision for comfort conditioning and consequently have higher energy consumption. Some research has shown that transitional spaces can help to save energy if they can be developed according to their climatic needs .

1 。导言
过渡位在建筑物(包括等领域foyers ,大堂,某些心房及附属空间并没有直接占领的活动有关的建设)构成一个有趣的和富有成果的领域,舒适的研究。入口和过渡地区的建筑物往往被视为一些最重要的在建筑设计中的条款,因为它们也影响就广泛的意识和观念的人占用;有着重要的作用在控制流通;往往与一些对较长的持久展示的住户或访客的建设。


第1个回答  2008-06-16
第2个回答  2008-06-16
本文报告关于分析对节能潜力进行调查与在过渡空间的修改过的舒适极限相关在大厦。 这样空间可能不要求同样高级,并且更加充分地被占据的空间和因而在情况的一种变化繁多严密保暖被的环境控制和解释也许被允许。 估计由节能潜力制成根据为转折空间运用的典型的房屋面积比例各种各样输入办公室或商业大厦。 数据与有更宽的温度极限比对于通常被占领的办公室区域舒适期望的建议的准则结合。 方法被运用了于在英国的东方叶绿泥石地区的气候位于的一系列的大厦类型使用一个热分析工具。 结果表示,有用的节能(特别为热化)通过考虑到规定的舒适标准的普通(和现实)放松是可能的在转折空间的。 现在要求Further工作证实极限和实践上估计节能。
1.介绍 在大厦的Transition空间(包括这样区域象休息室、大厅、某些关于大厦的活动不直接地被占领的心房和辅助空间)摆在舒适研究的一个有趣和卓有成效的区域。 因为他们对人的居住者的各种各样的感觉和悟性,也冲击大厦入口和转折地区经常被察觉作为某些最重要用建筑设计术语; 有一个重要角色由循环控制; 并且经常同居住者或访客有大厦的某些耐较久的印象联系在一起。
It在本文被建议这样空间,是重要的,不要求温度或舒适极限美好的控制与大厦的主要区域相关; 并且那他们可能有效地也被设计修改移动通过他们的人的经验和期望。
Opportunities为这样区域存在将带有环境状况说谎someway在内部和外在状况之间。 这也许提供好处例如热冲击的减少移动入和出于空间的居住者的并且修改舒适期望。 另外的考虑是这样空间经常位于周长大厦; 常常地有大区域给上釉; 并且体验与外部环境的重大气体交换。 这样他们也许通常要求相当地更高的水平大厦向适应的舒适的服务规定和因而有高能消耗量。 一些研究表示,过渡空间可能帮助节省能量,如果他们可以根据他们的高潮需要被开发。



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