

这是原文。。尊敬的各位;  我的工作不的原因,把工作了不应该的工作失误“没写工作日记”再此我检讨!  当天游客较多,恰巧不在时候,工作的马虎大意,忘记了本应该在当值的时候就应该写的值班日记!事后经检查后才犯了过错但为时已晚!事发后,还心平气和地面对错误,有逃避的心理。立刻想着先从身上找原因!  的批评和教育后我,没写工作日记的主要原因,主要是我责任心不强。这件事,我感到这是一件偶然的事情,但长期对放松要求,工作作风涣散的结果。身为组长,应该严以律已,对要求!自身的职业,在工作上的随意性。然而却好好的约束,我对的工作足够的责任心,也把的工作,走上新台阶的思想动力。在的工作中,仍就得过且过,混日子的应付想法。现在,我深深感到,这是非常不好的想法,放任放纵和发展,那么,后果是极其严重的,甚至都无法想象会怎样的工作失误。,这件事,我感觉到的,,,我在向检讨的,也向你们表示发自内心的感谢。  我谨向各位检讨,并:  1,件事中,我感到在工作责任心上仍就非常欠缺。的工作责任心和工作。克服工作懒散、粗心大意的缺点,努力将工作,以优异工作成绩来弥补我的过错。对公司的管理规定制度学习和不好,以后学习公司的管理规定制度,做一名合格的员工。  2,以后工作中的岗位职责,事业心和责任感,职责范围内和交办的工作任务,要,多和同事、以的行动来表示的觉醒,以加倍努力的工作来为公司的  3,个人工作疏忽,带来了麻烦,了公司或的形象,以后要改正亡羊补牢,狠抓。  4,切我还将深入总结,反省,改正错误,把今后的事情加倍努力干好。我意识到我的错误了,而且认识到了此次错误严重性。我知道我那天确实是太马虎大意了。我今后不会再有类似在我身上。请监督、帮助我改正缺点,使我更大的进步!希望和同事们在今后的工作中多多帮助我,帮助我克服我的缺点,改正我的错误。我了的反思和检讨。也真心地希望我能够改正的机会。我也会向你此事不会再有次。  还有再此我向全体人员道歉,真的住大家,我的粗心大意把大家也拉到了写检讨书的行列中,大家每一天面对紧张忙碌的工作,还要和我分担我的错误,我可以的行动来表示的觉醒,以加倍努力的工作来为我的工作的,请相信我! 下面是翻译。。。</SPAN>Distinguished;

My job is not the reason, the work should not be the work of the errors "did not write the work diary," I review this again!

Day, more tourists, not coincidentally, when the effect sloppy work, forgetting the value of this should be the time when the duty should be to write diary! Subsequently made a mistake by the check before it was too late! After the incident, but calmly face the errors, there is the psychological escape. Immediately find a cause to start thinking!

After criticism and education, I, did not write the main reason for the work diary, mainly because I sense of duty. This, I feel that this is a casual thing, but long-term requirements of the relaxed style of work and lax results. As a leader, should be strict to law has been, on the request! Own career, in the work of Mt. However, constraints are good, I am responsible enough work, but also to work on a new level of thinking power. In the work, still on and just goof idea to cope. Now, I deeply feel that this is a very bad idea, permissive, indulgent and development, then, the consequences are extremely serious, and even can not imagine how the work of the errors. , This issue, I feel,,, I have to review, but also like to express heartfelt thanks.

I would like you to review, and:

1 thing, I still feel that sense of responsibility at work is very lacking. Sense of responsibility and work. Work to overcome the lazy, careless of the shortcomings in an effort to work with outstanding achievements to make up my fault. Provisions of the company's management system for learning and well, after learning the company's management system requirements, a qualified staff.

2, after the job responsibilities at work, dedication and sense of responsibility, areas of responsibility and tasks assigned to, more and colleagues, to the awakening of action to express, to redouble their efforts to work for the company

3, neglect of personal work to bring trouble, the company or the image of the remedial measures to correct the future, pay close attention.

4, I will also in-depth summary of cut, reflect, correct mistakes, to redouble their efforts in future to do a good thing. I realized my mistake, and it recognized the seriousness of the error. I know my day is really too careless careless. I will be no more similar to me. Please supervision, help me correct my weaknesses, so I'm more progress! Hope and colleagues a lot of work in the future to help me, help me overcome my weaknesses, to correct my mistake. I am a reflection and review. I also sincerely hope that the opportunity to correct. I'll give you this matter will not have time.

There and then I would apologize to all who really live in you, my carelessness we all pulled into the ranks of the book Xiejian Tao, every day we face a hectic work, but also, and I share my mistakes, I can to represent the awakening of the action, to work harder to work for me, please believe me! 楼主。。。以后别犯错了。。</SPAN>



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