
1.伟人已离我们远去,但毋庸置疑的是他的影响会长存于世。(endure, no doubt)
2、他承认遇到的困难远比预料得多。(admit (to) doing)
3、中国人民不允许任何人干扰即将举行的奥运会。(allow sb to do)
4、一场龙卷风(tornado)席卷了美国部分地区,致使许多人无家可归。(sweep, leaving)

1.Great man has gone away from us, but there is no doubt that his influence will endure a long long time.

2.He admited to encountering much more difficulties then he had expected before.

3.The Chinese people will allow nobody to disturb the upcoming Olympic Games.

4.A tornado swept over many states in Unite States, leaving a lot of people homelessly.

5.He likes to brag about his past, which disguste his colleagues very much.
第1个回答  2008-05-15
1. The great man already goes to be far away from us , allowing of
no doubt is that his effect president exists in the world but.
(Endure , no doubt)
2, that he admits that the difficulty coming
across is distant is more than anticipating. (Admit (to) doing)
3, Chinese People does not allow anybody to disturb Olympiad holding
soon. (The allow sb to do)
4, one tornadoes (tornado) has carried
the USA part with one area, causes many people to be homeless.
(Sweep , leaving)
5, he likes to boast of self over , this makes
his colleague antipathetic. (Brag)
第2个回答  2008-05-15
1. Great man has gone away from us, but no doubt he is chairman of the impact of the world. (Endure, no doubt)
2, he acknowledged the difficulties encountered much more than expected. (Admit (to) doing)
3, the Chinese people do not allow anyone interfere with the upcoming Olympic Games. (Allow sb to do)
4, a tornado (tornado) swept through parts of the United States, leaving many people homeless. (Sweep, leaving)
5, he likes to brag about their past, so disgusted with his colleagues. (Brag)



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