

Among all the animals, my favourite animal is dog. Because dogs are so cute and they are the best friends of our human.
When I was a primary school student, on the way back home, I saw there was somebody who sells dogs on the side of the road. I bought one. When my mother saw the dog, she is amazed but not angry because she likes dog as well. The dog had been barking for a long time, I found some food to feed him but he continued to bark. I was worried when my father come back, he would throw the dog away because he hates dogs. I was afraid but my mother told me that we can give the dog to someone else. Finally, mom and I gave the dog to a hostess of a clothing shop. Perhaps, my father hasn't discovered that I bought a dog untill know.

第1个回答  2013-04-07
Of all the small animals, my favorite is the dog, because they are really cute and they are people's best friend.

When I was still in the grade school, one day on my way home I saw someone selling dogs on the roadside, I couldn't help buying one. My mom was really surprised to see me coming home with a dog, but she wasn't angry at all, for she too likes dogs. The puppy kept on barking, I look around and found some food to feed it, yet it just wouldn't stop barking. I was very concerned and wondered if my father would throw it out when he came home, because he really hated dogs. I started to get scared, then my mom said: "perhaps we could just give it to someone else." thus my mom and I walked out on the street and gave it to the lady who owned a clothing store.

Maybe to this date my dad still doesn't know that I've once bought a dog.
第2个回答  2013-04-07
For all the little animals, I like dogs best, because they are very lovely and they are the best friends of human beings.
When I was a primary school student, I saw someone was selling dogs on the way from school to home, and I bought one with impulsion. My mom was surprised when she saw me comine home and carrying a dog with me. But she was not angry, because she likes dog too. The dog always barked. I looked food for it, but it still didn't stop barking. I was so worried that my dad will throw the puppy away when he come back home, because he hates dogs. I started to worry, my mom said:"Maybe we can give it to others." Then, my mom and I went to the street and give the puppy to a woman who is the boss of a clothing store.
Maybe my dad still don't know that I bought a dog once.
第3个回答  2013-04-07
In all animals,l like dogs best.For they're cute and they're the best friends of people.
When i was a pupil,one day on my way back home ,i saw a stall was selling dogs by the side of street ,and i bought one out of impulse.
My mother was suprise to saw the dog in my arms,but she didn't angry,because she likes dogs too.The dog kept barking,and i tried to find some food to feed it,but it had no use to do like that.I was worried that if dad would be angry when he back and threw the dog away.Because he dislikes dogs.I got to afraid and mom said"Maybe we can send it to other." So we went out and sent it to a shopkeeper of a clothing store.It seems that my father stiil don't know i have bought a dog till now.
第4个回答  2013-04-07
Amid all the small animals,dog is my favorite ,because they are adorable and the best friend of humankind.
When I was a pupil, I bought a little dog on a whim while there was someone selling dogs along the way I went home after school. After founding a dog in my arms, my mother was took by surprise because she likes dog too. The dog kept howling therefore I found somthing to feed it,but the dog just couldn't stop howling, which made me so ancious that my father would dump the dog after he was home because he hated dog. I started to be afraid. My mother said:"Perhaps we can give the dog to someone else." Therefore my mother and I came to the street to give the dog to the owner of a toggery. Maybe,up until now, my father does not know that I once bought a dog. 说明:1.on a whim 是个搭配,意为心血来潮。2.提问者的原话是“我抱着一只狗”,我译文译成“一只狗在我怀里”,属灵活处理。3.take sb. by surprise 是个固定搭配,意为给某人惊喜,自然没有生气之意。4.which 为定语从句用法,代指前面整句话。纯手工翻译,望采纳,谢谢。.




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