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Domestic mobile phone market share analysis
With China's rapid economic growth, China 's mobile phone market rapid development and maturity of China 's mobile phone market, now in the situation of pile up in excess of requirement, to maintain market share and further improve, one can imagine, how fierce competition. While the current 3G times, homebred mobile phone is facing great opportunities and challenges, how to deal with in order to maintain and enhance their market share.
China mobile communication operation in 1987 introduced the first set of mobile communication equipment, only more than 700 users. Nowadays, mobile phone has become our staff a life necessities, no matter where, regardless of people of all ages and both sexes, everyone will have a mobile phone. Foreign brands by virtue of its own technical advantages almost monopoly of the Chinese mobile phone market. Chinese mobile phone producers really dosomethinpreviouslyunreleased was in 2003, when the Chinese mobile phone producers in one fell swoop down 60% of the entire market. However, this is only flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum, then gradually replaced by foreign brands.
Facing the so big market, why the domestic and foreign mobile phone mobile phone in competition was at a disadvantage, has been unable to occupy a large market share, down a few mainly due to:
Domestic mobile phone from scratch in 20 years, all the way to run to catch up with foreign brands, success, failure, now or in the future for a while and foreign speculators competition will still be the underdog, so facing domestic mobile phone industry the task is still arduous, homebred mobile phone must be from the quality, technology, sales, service, etc. all beyond the foreign brands to achieve Chinese mobile phone industry rise, but this can not accomplish at one stroke, after a few generations unremittingly efforts, through the unremittingly efforts, China mobile phone industry is bound to gradually rise in the road to date.
China for any manufacturer, would mean a big market. In this market is full of opportunities and challenges. Whether it is China's domestic mobile phone producers or foreign mobile phone manufacturers to occupy a space for one person, in the future market, we must actively participate in the competition. Rules of the market economy is the survival of the fittest. Therefore, we can see, there must be the winner in the competition in the future, there are sure to be out. For the competition of any party does not have the reason not to seriously. Especially the Chinese local producers, to want to dosomethinpreviouslyunreleased in China mobile phone market, must play their own advantages, do a good job development and services, and actively adjust business strategy
第1个回答  2013-03-15



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