

There is no specific name for this doctrine, but there is for its opposite: ethical cosmopolitanism is the doctrine that no distinction should be made among humans, in the degree of moral obligation.

The term patriotism is generally used in the context of an already existing political community. It can be voluntary and emotional empathy, and it can be officially promoted by the government - usually both. National sentiments often dovetail with the patriotic, but they should not be confused, since national communities are unlike civic or political ones in that they are, for the most part, located within civil society rather than in and around the state. National movements are also concerned with the state, however, especially when it is felt that the national community has not been sufficiently recognized by the state, with the consequence that the nation cannot be considered wholly free. What often then arises are national liberation movements, such as Irish Republicanism, Basque and Québécois seperatism. In Northern Ireland two parallel national cultures co-exist, one Irish-Republican and one pro-British unionist. In Belgium, pro-Belgian patriotism is weak, while the nationalism of the country`s nations are strong.

The opposite of patriotism consists of the corruption often referred to by such thinkers as Aristotle and Machiavelli, in which citizens are more concerned with their personal and group interests than with the common good of the political community as a whole. In practice, many patriots would see treason as the 'opposite of patriotism'.
Patriotism is the people for their loyalty and love for the motherland and the idea for her struggle for independence and prosperity of the dedication.
Patriotism is the proletariat from national labor and the fundamental interests of the people, is in close contact with internationalism, not only love their own motherland, and oppose foreign aggression, respecting other countries and peoples rights and freedoms.

Lenin said: Patriotism is thousands of years to consolidate up to their motherland one of the most profound feelings.

As a patriotic performance. Have a strong sense of national self-esteem and self-confidence, safeguarding the motherland's dignity and interests of the people of the high degree of responsibility and the motherland's future have a firm conviction.

2. Heshan to the motherland, people, history and culture of the motherland all the material and spiritual wealth of boundless love.

3. The individual's future and the destiny of the motherland closely together to oppose the invasion of other countries and domestic reactionary forces and decadent for the motherland and the nation's prosperity and play to their wisdom and talent.

Patriotism from the people of feeding the growth of their hometown, ethnic and deep feelings for the motherland, gradually forming a distillation of the interests of safeguarding the motherland's code of conduct and strong faith. Basic elements are: promoting the nation's material and cultural wealth growing; protect all ethnic groups on an equal basis of the joint, unity and the reunification of the motherland, resisting foreign aggression, defend the motherland's sovereignty and independence, with all impede social progress of the reactionary forces Struggle, and the prosperity of the motherland prosperous and strong.

Patriotism is a historical category. Different historical periods, different class, and patriotism have different political content. The exploiting class of patriotism to protect the interests of the class for the purpose, so it is not completely shaken. Proletarian patriotism inherited a history of the fine tradition of patriotism, and it combined with the liberation of the proletariat, and that only the people at home and abroad from the exploitation of the oppressed class liberated, become the masters of the motherland, the motherland can be achieved real The independence, unity and prosperity. Contemporary Chinese people's patriotism is the love the socialist motherland and support the reunification of the motherland fully consistent. Liberation of the proletariat are international in nature. Proletariat to the world peoples and the common interests of the struggle, patriotism and internationalism combined!

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To defend the motherland is a common military-patriotic
1814 Paris Comprehensive Polytechnic University of officers school students toward Paris, to resist foreign forces to defend the capital. In the school courtyard in the commemoration of this event for a group of sculptures. Patriotism is a kind of nationalism in schools, it has shown the citizens of their personal, political and social, and cultural, members of interests reflected in a positive and optimistic attitude. For some, self-sacrifice has the connotation of patriotism means that national interests should be higher than their own interests (in extreme cases even their lives). In wartime, patriotism is drive people to participate in the largest military campaign momentum, in this context be regarded as patriotism of human self-protection (avoid war) on the surface of the instinct of a delay to explain. Patriotism and other public welfare will be linked to the ethics of patriotism will have the connotation it on time and the political community in a sense is that the community's own moral standards or moral values. This belief in the extreme form of the U.S. Navy officials said the Stephen Decatur my country right or wrong of misuse. On the ethics of patriotism in the primary meaning is that the members of a political and social, than non-members of the community, the moral obligation and more members of the community as partners in order to highlight differences. This doctrine did not specifically name, but it was the antithesis - the universal harmony and moral advocates of human moral obligations should be the same, should not be differentiated



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