
5. Working Hours
The supplier company shall comply with applicable national laws and industry standards on working hours. The maximum allowable working hours in a week are as defined by national law but shall not on a regular basis exceed 48 hours and the maximum allowable overtime hours in a week shall not exceed 12 hours. Overtime hours are to be worked solely on a voluntary basis and to be paid at a premium rate. An employee is entitled to at least one free day following six consecutive days worked.
6. Workplace Health and Safety
A clear set of regulations and procedures must be established and followed regarding occupational health and safety, especially the provision and use of personal protective equipment, clean bathrooms, access to potable water and if appropriate, sanitary facilities for food storage shall be provided. Workplace practice and conditions and conditions in dormitories which violate basic human rights are forbidden. In particular young workers shall not be exposed to hazardous, unsafe or unhealthy situations. In particular, a management representative responsible for the health and safety of all personnel and accountable for the implementation of the Health and Safety elements shall be appointed. All personnel shall receive regular and recorded health and safety training, moreover, such training shall be repeated for new and reassigned personnel. Systems to detect, avoid or respond to potential threats to health and safety of all personnel shall be established.
7. Prohibition of Child Labour
Child labour is forbidden as defined by United Nations Conventions and/or by national law. Of these various standards, the one that is the most stringent shall be followed. Any forms of exploitation of children are forbidden. Working conditions resembling slavery or harmful to children's health are forbidden. The rights of young workers must be protected. In the event that children are found to be working in situations which fit the definition of child labour above, policies and procedures for remediation of children found to be working shall be established and documented by the supplier company. Furthermore, the supplier company shall provide adequate support to enable such children to attend and remain in school until no longer a child.
8. Prohibition of Forced Labour and Disciplinary Measures
All forms of forced labour, such as lodging deposits or the retention of identity documents from personnel upon commencing employment, are forbidden as is prisoner labour that violates basic human rights. The use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse is forbidden.

The供应商公司将依从在工作时间的可适用的民族法和业界标准。 最大容许的工作时间在一个星期是如定义的是由民族法,但是不会经常超出48个小时,并且最大容许的加班时间在一个星期不会超出12个小时。 加班时间将单独地自愿地工作和被支付以一个额外比率。 雇员有资格获得跟随六连贯天的至少一自由天工作。
A清除套章程,并且必须关于职业健康和安全,对个体防护用品的特别是供应和用途建立和仿效做法,干净的卫生间,对饮用水的通入,并且,如果适当,将提供食物存贮的卫生设备。 工作场所实践和在违犯基本的人权的宿舍的条件和条件禁止。 特别是年轻工人不会被暴露在危害,不安全或者不健康的情况。 特别是,管理代表负责对所有人员健康与安全和对健康与安全元素的实施负有责任将被任命。 所有人员将接受规则,并且记录的健康与安全训练,而且,这样训练为新和被再分配的人员将被重复。 查出,避免或者反应的系统对所有人员健康与安全的潜在的威胁将建立。
Child劳方禁止如定义的由联合国大会并且/或者是由民族法。 这些各种各样的标准,是最严密的那个将被跟随。 孩子的开发的所有形式禁止。 工作环境类似奴隶制的或有害对儿童健康禁止。 必须保护年轻工人权利。 在发现孩子工作在适合童工,孩子治疗的上面政策和做法定义发现是情况下的情况工作将由供应商公司建立并且提供。 此外,供应商公司提供充分支持使这样孩子在直到孩子的学校不再出席和保持。
8.强制劳动和纪律措施的禁止 强制劳动的All形式,例如寄宿的储蓄或身分文件的保留从人员的在开始的就业,禁止象是违犯基本的人权的囚犯劳方。 使用肉刑、精神或物理压服和语言滥用禁止。
第1个回答  2008-04-23
5 。工作时间
6 。工作场所卫生与安全
7 。禁止使用童工
8 。禁止强迫劳动和惩戒措施



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