
1.他因为伤了妈妈的心而惭愧(be ashamed of)
4.春天有许多人对花粉过敏。(be allergic to)

1.他因为伤了妈妈的心而惭愧(be ashamed of)He is ashamed of himself for hurting his mother.
2.这种布料很容易被撕破。(tear)This cloth tears very easily
3.所有的人都喜欢他,因为他是个体谅别人的年轻人。(considerate)Everyone likes him because he is a young man considerate of others.
4.春天有许多人对花粉过敏。(be allergic to)When spring comes, quite a few people are allergic to to pollen.
5.不管敌人给他多少钱,他都不会背叛他的祖国。(betray)No matter how much money his enemies gave him, he never betrayed his country.
第1个回答  2012-12-24
1. He was ashamed of breaking his mother's heart.
2.This kind of cloth is easy to tear.
3.Everyone likes him because he is a considerate young man.
4.Many people are allergic to pollen in spring.
5.No matter how much money his enemies give him, he will never betray his motherland.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-12-24
1.He was ashamed of himself because he broke his mother's heart.
2.This kind of cloth tears easily.
3.Everyone likes him because he is a considerate young man.
4.Many people are allergic to pollen in Spring.
5.No matter how much money the enemies will give him ,he won't betray his motherland.
第3个回答  2012-12-24
He is ashamed of hurting his mother's heart.
This type of fabric tears very easily.
Everyone loves him because he is a considerate young man.
Many people are allergic to pollen in spring.
He will never betray his country no matter how much money his enemy gives him.
第4个回答  2012-12-24
1 because he hurt my mother's heart and shame ( be ashamed of )
2 the cloth tears easily. ( tear )
3 all the people love him, because he is a considerate young man. ( considerate )
4 spring has many people are allergic to pollen. ( be allergic to )
5 no matter how much money the enemy to him, he won't betray his country. ( betray )



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