英语作文 a visit to ()【自拟】 8句以上,10句以下,小学五年级水平


" A visit to a farm."
" Last week, our teacher organized us to pay a visit to a farm. And we were all very exciting,for it was our first time to go to a farm. It took us two hous from school by bus. Though it was not so big, it was very beautiful. It looked all green because of the grass. There were many chicken, sheep and cows on the farm. There were also several peasants working hard there. Then we helped them with their work. What an unforgetable trip it was! "


上周我们的老师组织我们去访问了一个农场。我们都很兴奋,因为这是我们第一次去农场。我们从学校坐车出发花了两个小时才到达。尽管那个农场不大,却很美丽。由于到处是草地,它看起来都是绿色的。那里有许多鸡,和牛羊。 还有许多正在辛勤劳作的农民。然后我们帮助他们做了些活儿。当真是难以往怀的一次旅行啊!

第1个回答  2013-01-15
a vvisit to the zoo
last Sunday, my family went to the zoo in our city.I was very happy when we saw a kind of animals.Because it is winter,all of the animals are in the hall, so we can only watched them through the glasses. the monkeys were very lovey and activitive,a monkey make a face to me when I talked to him, his action made all of my family laugh.but we did not see the swans,iI think ti is a pity.We hade fun last Sunday.What a happy day it is!本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-01-15




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