never would have和单独一个never 的意思有什么不一样吗 可以举例子吗


1. 首先, 你要知道,"would have never" 是假设性的过去式, 代表你所假设的动作已经完成了. 还有, "would havenever" 是否定语 (negative)

"Never would have" is usually followed by "if .....", meaning:

the action is completed, the person is suggesting a hypothetical situation
如果你后悔做了某种事情 (那种事情你已经完成了), 你会"假设"自己"如果"预先__ (verb), 你"不会"(would have never)做__ (past participle)

Ex. If I knew he is sick, I would have never gone to his house.
如果我知道他生病了, 我不会去他的家.

Ex. If he was smart enough, he would have never stolen from my house.
如果他很聪明, 他便不会从我的店里偷窃.

or the person wants to state an opinion 如果你想"强调"你"一定不会"做某种事情
Ex. I did not saythat. I would have never said that.
我没有这样说. 我一定不会这样说.

这里的文法是过去式. 因为你在强调你没有这样做, 而且你当时一定不会这样做.

***Notice how I used "would have never"
in my sentences instead of "never would have", that's because
"never would have" is not gramatically correct.

如果你想说你在现在, 或将来一定不会做某种事情, 你要用现在式present tense

Ex. I would never cheat.

STRUCTURE: I would never + ___present tense_____.

Ex. I would never eat cheese because it tastesterrible.
我不会(现在不会, 将来也不会)吃芝士, 因为它很难吃.

2.By just using the word "Never",it means the person did not perform the action, in other words, 他"没有"做过.....

Ex. He has never committed a crime in hislife.

STRUCTURE:has/have + _____(past participle)--------

(过去过去式) <-- 是不是叫这个?
Ex. Ihad never skipped classes when I was in high school.

当我在高中的时候, 我从来没有逃课。(你已经上完高中了)

STRUCTURE:had + ______past participle_________

Ex. Nevertake drugs.
不要吸毒. (现在和将来也不要这样做)

STRUCTURE:never + ____present tense______


***In my opinion, after you are finished writing something, it is better if you read the piece out loud, surprisingly; you will find some parts strange. If the grammar is correct, then the reading should flow perfectly without any signs of awkardness.

其实我觉得写作后, 你应该把你写的东西大声的读出来一遍. 你会发现, 有一些句子会很不流畅. 当然, 你也应该叫你的朋友们或其他人帮你看看你的作文, 因为你一个人一定不能发现所有的错误

最后, 请原谅我的破解释, 我已经尽力了.... >w<

Hope this helps! Happy new year~



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