Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the bracke...

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 小题1:对手一拳打在他的嘴边。(hit)小题2:对他来说重要的是他赢了。(matter)小题3:主要由土豆和肉类组成的美国食谱现在正发生变化。(make)小题4:据报道,饭后饮茶会干扰人体的对铁的吸收。(drink)小题5:奥运会就规模和运动员人数来说是最重要的国际比赛。(term)

小题1:His opponent/rival/adversary hit him in the mouth.
小题2:What mattered to him was that he won.
小题3:American diet chiefly made up of meat and potato is changing.
小题4:It’s reported that drinking tea after meal can interfere with the boy’s absorption of iron.
小题5:The Olympics is the most important international competition in terms of scale and the number of athletes.

小题1:考查词组:“打某人的…部位” hit sb in/on  the 部位
小题2:What mattered to him是主语从句,what在主语从句中做主语,matter做为动词“重要”, was 后面接that引导的表语从句
小题3:考查made up of meat and potato做定语修饰American diet
小题4:考查固定句型:It’s reported that….,据报道, drinking tea after meal 这是动名词做主语,词组:干扰“ interfere with ”
小题5:考查词组:in terms of“就…而言”



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